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Changes at "Beyond data capitalism: exploring democratic alternatives for the datafied society"

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Title (Català)

  • -Dades i Democràcia
  • +Més enllá del capitalisme de dades: explorant alternatives democràtiques per a la societat datificada

Title (English)

  • -Dades i Democràcia
  • +Beyond data capitalism: exploring democratic alternatives for the datafied society

Description (English)

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    A càrrec de Liliana Arroyo, Antonio Calleja, Mara Balestrini

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    • Liliana Arroyo (PhD en Sociologia, treballa en Innovació Social Digital i el seu impacte social. Investigadora a l’Institut per a la Innovació Social a l’ESADE)
    • Antonio Calleja-López (Proyecto Decidim, Investigador IN3/UOC)
    • Mara Balestrini (Ideas For Change)

    Under the hegemony of data and surveillance capitalism, big corporations and States gather, control, process and use data of millions of people to maximize their profit and power. ¿Are there any alternatives? From open data to data commons, from initiatives that reclaim sovereign technology to those that reclaim more privacy, projects that go from the public sector to social collectives are calling for and experimenting with other models. In this session we explore some of these alternatives, which may open democratic perspectives and possibilities for a datafied society.


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