HACKATHON: Web design
Convent dels ÀngelsPlaça dels Àngels, 7, 08001 El Raval Barcelona, Spain
Introduction: In a participation platform as complex as Decidim, it is important that the participants can access the actions they want to carry out within it in the fastest and most intuitive way possible: access to face-to-face meetings, make, support or comment on proposals, dynamics of different types of proposals (limited by votes or by budget), participate in debates, etc.
You can find the repository with the current design at https://github.com/ajuntamentdebarcelona/decidim-design and see the current design at https://decidim-design.herokuapp.com/
Challenges: How to expand the possibilities of customization and layout of the platform for different uses (city halls, associations)? How to improve the design of the platform? How can we anticipate the design of future features? Can new pages that are already planned for development be designed from the style sheet?
Examples: Design of a generic logo for the Decidim software, design of the participation spaces. Document online style guide for each component by external contributions.