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403 proposals

Wrong translations on email when someone gives support to a proposal
Add image when video not available on consultations
The verifier errors are shown duplicated one over the other
Multiple authorship is lost when collaborative draft is published
Al clicar sobre un adjunt no s'obre en una nova pestanya
Error al configurar els Ă mbits i el nombre de signatures de les iniciatives
Admin can delete a whole participatory process even if it contains elements
Error en duplicar trobades online
When user has no nickname nothing displays in conversation title
Error downloading "My data"
Notification and/or mail missing when registering for a Meeting
Links in Proposal's body disappear
I can't comment as a Group
Author doesn't receive notifications when its debate is commented
Metric for Participants in the Admin Dashboard is too high
MenĂș no muestra componentes
Error homepage of internal links with locale as a parameter
Fijar tamaño de celdas y resolver problemas de interlineados en tarjetas
Can not secure Consultations with verifiers
When editing a meeting, the description is filled in with the title text.
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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