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407 proposals

Media picture: The results within a project are not shown chronologically in the public view

The results within a project are not shown chronologically in the public view

Media picture: Custom colors don't seem to apply everywhere

Custom colors don't seem to apply everywhere

Clicking on edit a proposal from the frontend leads you to the general table of proposals.

Media picture: The privacy feature doesn't duplicate in a new process of an original private process

The privacy feature doesn't duplicate in a new process of an original private process

Media picture: Error 422 for password too short when they invite you

Error 422 for password too short when they invite you

Media picture:  Pixelated photo when a process is displayed on the homepage

Pixelated photo when a process is displayed on the homepage

Media picture: The video is not shown in the description of the debate

The video is not shown in the description of the debate

Media picture: User group can endorse several times a same proposal

User group can endorse several times a same proposal


Geolocalització en sessions online

Media picture: Unable to edit collaborative draft with attachment if attachment is enabled after it's creation

Unable to edit collaborative draft with attachment if attachment is enabled after it's creation


Locale update fails on sanity checks

Media picture: Assembly "Admin has added you" notification includes unresolvable URL

Assembly "Admin has added you" notification includes unresolvable URL

Media picture: Error message finalizing proposal amendments with participatory texts

Error message finalizing proposal amendments with participatory texts

Media picture: Announcement message displays on meeting form

Announcement message displays on meeting form

Media picture: Invalid "This group doesn't have any members yet".

Invalid "This group doesn't have any members yet".

Media picture: Impossible to access/edit/delete a page created in

Impossible to access/edit/delete a page created in


"Back" link brings to "Complete" step when comparing proposals


CSV per convidar usuaris privats no mostra motiu d'error

Error 500 when creating a participatory text without an uploaded file


After the user accepts the TOS, they are redirected back to the TOS page

Media picture: Registro de bots (spam)

Registro de bots (spam)

Accepted / In progress

Name of submitter not included in Proposal component export

[WCAG 2.1 / AA: 3.2.2] Do not dynamically change the page content on filtering forms

Media picture: PDF creation within Initiative not translatable

PDF creation within Initiative not translatable

Accepted / In progress

Mòdul processos actius no té en compte el pes dels processos

Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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