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407 proposals

The verifier errors are shown duplicated one over the other
Error al intentar acceder al configurador de permisos dentro de un componente.
Nickname validation is not in place
Linking to other modules than proposals in comments always leads to proposal links
Es mostra malament la informació d'un resultat al mòdul seguiment
No funciona correctament el procés de votació en una consulta
No permet copiar i enganxar a la descripció
Attachments are lost when publishing a collaborative draft proposal
Docker installation Decidim development fails
Past processes displayed under Active Processes
Notifications does not work on Metadecidim
I can't edit a collaborative draft
[CRITICAL] Vote/support button not responsive
Interface: Use of 'support' to mean 'vote' can be confusing
Participatory texts - error uploading UTF-8 files
Participant cannot vote (suppport proposal) if authorized
Con coincideixen xifres de participants
When editing a meeting, the description is filled in with the title text.
Nickname prefix wraps on certain view widths
Admin can delete a whole participatory process even if it contains elements
Custom colors don't seem to apply everywhere
Picture in newsletter have wrong URL and not shown
Error message finalizing proposal amendments with participatory texts
Deleting an organization is not working
Wrong URL leads to czech pages on
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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