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This proposal has been implemented

Proposal accepted and included in the proposed Statutes in Chapter III (Article 38. Drets de les persones sòcies); and also in the proposal of Internal Regulation in the Membership chapter.

You can make your amendments and comments on these articles in the participatory text.

Articles that must be developed and finalized in the final document.

[ES] Derechos de las socias / [EN] Members' rights

Avatar: Official proposal Official proposal Finished
[ES] Redactar los servicios que dará derecho a ser socia de la entidad Decidim: asesoramiento, participar en las SOMs i LABs, formación, contactos con empresas del ecosistema Decidim, etc [EN] Writing the services that will give the right to be a partner of the entity Decidim: advice, participate in the SOMs and LABs, training, contacts with companies of the ecosystem Decidim, etc.


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