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This proposal has been implemented

Proposal accepted for obtaining the minimum support established and included in the Internal Regulation in category 5. ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY; and that should be a medium-term objective of the association.

You can make your amendments and comments on these articles in the participatory text

[ES] Diversificación de fuentes de recursos y límites a máximas contribuciones / [EN] Diversification of sources and limitation to max. contribution

Avatar: Xabier Xabier Finished
[ES] Garantizar la diversificación de las fuentes de recursos (financieros, humanos, simbólicos, infraestructurales, etc.) para no crear dependencias unilaterales. Esto afectará al núcleo de la organización, a las fuentes de recursos necesarios para mantener el proyecto Decidim, no así a proyectos específicos (como desarrollos o proyectos de investigación no-esenciales que no son esenciales para la continuidad de Decidim). [EN] To guarantee the diversification of sources or resources (financial, human, symbolic, infrastructural, etc.) in order to avoid unilateral dependiencies. This restriction applies to the the core organization (understood as the resources necessary to maintain the Decidim project alive), but not to specific projects (like the development of a module o a research project that are not essential to the continuity of Decidim)


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