Changes at "Add the feature "process type" to allow filtering Processes by type"
Body (Català )
In some cases it is required to be able to filter participatory processes by type and subtype. The "processes" module allows creating groups of processes, but does not have a filter field available (as if it exists instead in the "assemblies" module).SOLUTION:
Add a field and a filter functionality "type of processes" to allow filtering processes by type, as we can do in "assemblies".
It is not convenient to use the available global classification systems ("scopes" and "areas") because they don't allow a differentiated application according to the context (show different filters in /processes or in /assemblies or even in /group_process, for example). And they are systems that are too intertwined with many other modules & components.
In order to create the new process_type feature, we will...
-Create a Decidim::ParticipatoryProcessType model and an optional association with participatory processes.
-Add CRUD management from admin of process types and include the association in the processes form.
-Add a filter to set process_type in the global processes list or current processes group ( /processes & /processes_groups/X ), like the existing assembly_type selector.
With some extra enhancements:
- This filter should not appear if there are no processes with a type assigned.
- The filter should only display the different types of available processes in the context (global processes list or current processes group)
-Make sure to add tests to keep test coverage at required levels.
Could this issue impact on users private data?
Government of Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua -
In some cases it is required to be able to filter participatory processes by type and subtype. The "processes" module allows creating groups of processes, but does not have a filter field available (as if it exists instead in the "assemblies" module).SOLUTION:
Add a field and a filter functionality "type of processes" to allow filtering processes by type, as we can do in "assemblies".
It is not convenient to use the available global classification systems ("scopes" and "areas") because they don't allow a differentiated application according to the context (show different filters in /processes or in /assemblies or even in /group_process, for example). And they are systems that are too intertwined with many other modules & components.
In order to create the new process_type feature, we will...
-Create a Decidim::ParticipatoryProcessType model and an optional association with participatory processes.
-Add CRUD management from admin of process types and include the association in the processes form.
-Add a filter to set process_type in the global processes list or current processes group ( /processes & /processes_groups/X ), like the existing assembly_type selector.
With some extra enhancements:
- This filter should not appear if there are no processes with a type assigned.
- The filter should only display the different types of available processes in the context (global processes list or current processes group)
-Make sure to add tests to keep test coverage at required levels.
Could this issue impact on users private data?
Government of Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua