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Canvis a "Publication date field for blog articles"

Avatar: AH


  • +{"en"=>"Publication date field for blog articles"}


  • +["

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
    The blog articles currently do not allow setting a separate publication date for the articles. Many times in real life situations, the publication date can differ from the date when the article was posted on the website.

    Describe the solution you'd like
    The blog articles should provide a separate field for \"publication date\".

    This should be the visible publication date that appears on the website for the article.

    Additionally, if this date is set to the future, the article should not appear on the website before this date has passed. This would allow timed releases of the articles, e.g. if the article is written the day before it is published.

    Describe alternatives you've considered
    Using the creation date as currently but this does not allow the flexibility the separate publication date would allow.

    This solution does not allow adjusting the publication date in other ways than changing the creation date directly from the database and also does not allow timed releases of the articles.

    Additional context
    There is also a related proposal which suggests the publication date should be visible in the article listing page too:
    Show publication date of each article on blog main page (gid://metadecidim/Decidim::Hashtag/414/16931) (External link)

    Does this issue could impact on users private data?

    Funded by
    Awaiting funding



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