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Report Button for Missing/Wrong Translation

Avatar: Tremend Tremend

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
The automated translation software occasionally produces inaccurate translations that distort the intended meaning, which can lead to confusion for users relying on these translations. Missing or incorrect translations can result in a poor user experience, particularly when content is vital for participation or understanding of a given resource.

Describe the solution you'd like
In addition to any technical alerts that notify admins of translation failures, we propose adding a "Report Translation" button that allows users to report missing or incorrect translations directly to the admins. This would function similarly to a "Report Resource" feature, allowing users to:

  1. Click the "Report Translation" button.

  2. Select the field they are reporting (e.g., title, body).

  3. Provide a reason for the report (e.g., missing translation, incorrect meaning).

  4. Optionally, suggest a corrected translation.

Once submitted, this report will be displayed in the admin panel. Admins (roles to be determined) could review the report, either choosing to ignore it or applying the suggested fix. Additionally, translation issues would be visible in the admin panel and on the resource's admin show page, making it easy to track the number of translation issues associated with each resource.

Describe alternatives you've considered

  1. Admin-Only Translation Fixes: Relying solely on admin alerts for translation issues rather than offering users the ability to report them. However, this removes user involvement in identifying problems and could lead to incorrect translations.

  2. Third-Party Translation Correction Tools: Implementing external tools for automatic correction of translations based on user feedback, though this could be costly and complex to integrate.

  3. Translation Voting System: Allowing users to vote on translations to crowdsource quality control, but this would require a larger user base and more complexity in UI.

Additional context
The "Report Translation" feature would empower users to help ensure accurate translations, improving overall content quality. It would integrate with the admin panel, making the management of translation reports simple and streamlined. Visual cues in the admin panel, such as the number of unresolved translation issues per resource, would aid admins in prioritizing fixes.

Does this issue could impact on users private data?
No, this feature does not involve any private user data. It relates solely to the public-facing content translations. However, user-generated suggestions may reveal data about their interactions with certain resources.

Funded by
European Commission



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