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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

851 proposals

One to many relationships for areas

Improve automatic comparison algorithm when submiting a proposal

Main repo (accepted)

Provide "Debate" as top level menu item

Media picture: Take advantage of ceased date in order to show more information of members

Take advantage of ceased date in order to show more information of members

Opción para que los componentes no salgan automáticamente en el menú

Media picture: Possibility to configure default sorting for porposals

Possibility to configure default sorting for porposals

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Allow multi-choice questions in consultations

Allow multi-choice questions in consultations

Main repo (merged)

Import proposal answers

Main repo (merged)

Automatically deleting inactive users (if the admin chooses to do so)

Main repo (accepted)

Incorporar informació del pressupost al seguiment de resultats

Main repo (merged)

General Assembly

Organize Assemblies

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Add an "open trash" space for inadmissible initiatives

Add an "open trash" space for inadmissible initiatives

Ampliar opcions de l'editor de text.

Main repo (merged)

Reverse chronological order in conversations

Main repo (merged)

Improve the Privacy Policy consent textarea with a summary

Main repo (merged)

GDPR Compliance - Automate deletion of inactive users' accounts

Main repo (merged)

Vincular propostes i trobades de processos amb assemblees

Mejorar el sistema de moderación de propuestas y usuarios

Main repo (merged)

Condorcet voting

Media picture: Make sure admins save their changes before leaving

Make sure admins save their changes before leaving

Media picture: Incluir "Grupo de Procesos" dentro de "Procesos" en el menú del panel de Admin

Incluir "Grupo de Procesos" dentro de "Procesos" en el menú del panel de Admin

Main repo (merged)

Do not ask for user name during registration

Budgeting - Add shortened description for the projects in the listing view

Main repo (accepted)
Media picture: Add "new proposal +" call to action to home page of participatory space

Add "new proposal +" call to action to home page of participatory space

Main repo (accepted)

[EN] Single definitition for scopes and areas + new administration role [ES] Única definición para ámbitos y áreas + nuevo rol de administración

See the full content of comments in Notifications

Main repo (merged)

Proposals - X characters left

Main repo (merged)

Reduce the list of assemblies shown to administrators

Vinculació de trobades

Proposta millora (iteració) component enquesta

Main repo (merged)

Verification of Identity for Ballots and Votation in an area of circunscription (cities, terrirories, ..)

Duplicar una enquesta

Main repo (merged)

Ability to disable participatory space view hooks (e.g. proposal listing)

Allow to filter assemblies by type

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: File upload button redesign

File upload button redesign

Main repo (accepted)

Module: Trusted ids

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Add "my activity" filter section on meeting index

Add "my activity" filter section on meeting index

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Phone number as an alternative to email

Phone number as an alternative to email

Main repo (accepted)
Media picture: Enhance initiative homepage block

Enhance initiative homepage block

Main repo (merged)

Proposal preview - Show the whole content and attachments

Main repo (merged)

Type of answer: List selection (survey)

Possibles millores en el modul seguiment

Media picture: Add location data to proposals export and import

Add location data to proposals export and import

Main repo (merged)

Mantenimiento y mejora de diseño web y experiencia de usuario

Main repo (merged)

Flexible Admin-Configurable Display Order Options for Processes

Media picture: Change the link in author tooltip to send easily a message to the author

Change the link in author tooltip to send easily a message to the author

Main repo (merged)

Possibility for administrator to link images to content pages

Establecer un umbral de notificaciones por mail al seguir a un usuario

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: [EN] Diff rendering improvements in version control

[EN] Diff rendering improvements in version control

Main repo (merged)
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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