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13 debates

Monthly community calls to discuss features of Decidim
How would you feel about organizing a monthly virtual call to have some discussions on specific topics?For example, most of you know that next year we want to carry out an in-depth review of the platform's participant experience. We already…
If I have answered a survey, do I want to see my answers?
Hi everyone, Last days we have discussed about showing or not your options when you answer a survey. On the first hand, as a user, I would like to see my answers. On the other hand maybe does not comply with data protection. What…
Translation governance
I would like to start a debate on the issue of official translations in crowdin. Currently, methodology is regulated by the process We also have this debate on crowdin:…
Admin types and authorizations
I am moving here a debate that we opened in github (a while ago!) and that we have not yet closed, although several valuable contributions have been made. Here I link the relevant issues for further discussion with the whole community: ht…
What should the admin dashboard display? Qué añadir en Admin Dashboard?
The Admin Dashboard is currently empty. This debate opens the question of what should the admin dashboard include. Please add your suggestions bellow. El Panel de Control, Pizarra o Dashboard de administración está vacío. Este debate abr…
Activate Markdown for conent edition?
I want to open a debate we hold long ago regarding the convenience of using Markdown for some content creation in diferent components (mostly Meeting minutes, proposals and debates). It would be very useful to track changes and also to inte…
[EN] Differences between a participant and a participant that makes participatory actions / [ES] Diferencias entre un participante y un participante que hace acciones participativas
[EN] Yesterday, I started a debate with @carol about the definition of participant. I understand that Decidim, as a political network, all users are participants (main difference with a social network). With what I do not agree, it is t…
Amendment can be supported/voted?
I am moving here a debate that I opened in github (4 days ago) and no one has answered yet. I don't understand why the amendment can be supported/voted. We vote proposals, no amendments. In my point of view, I can't find reasons to do it…
Would moderating content before being publish violate against decidim's social contract?
Dear community, I recently presented decidim and it's functionality to my supervisors. One remark that came up pretty quickly is the possibility to moderate content before being published. I know that there is the possibility to flag …
Behavior of the amendments
I have been using the functionality of the amendments and I have some questions that I would like to know your opinion: Does it make sense that the functionality of amendments is only general? Now, we can only configure the amendments in…
Activitypub plugin
I think it would be an interesting feature to have the possibility to federate, for example, a blog, in the fediverse through the Activitypub protocol. Wordpress already has a plugin like that. It would offer the possibility to have group p…
Hiding rejected proposals is against Decidim's own social contract
For about every Decidim instance we have made, we have made a customization to show all rejected proposals after the proposals have been evaluated. There is barely any exception to this rule, this is a request from ALL the cities.Many peopl…
Map-based surveys: How can they inspire us to make Decidim more user-friendly?
These past few months, we've worked with a few projects with a new kind of needs where Decidim isn't meeting our needs and we find ourselves looking at more specialised tools.I wanted to open a discussion because I think some of the functio…


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