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Decidim Association - Coordination Committee Meeting

  • Online
  • 17:00 PM - 18:00 PM CEST
Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting

Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.


  1. Funding Projects

  2. Process recruitment: Executive Management

  3. Decidim Fest general assembly

  4. Retreat 2024

  5. Committee Renewal

  6. Process Internal regulation

Meeting Minutes


Pauline, Txema, David, Ali, Antonio

1/ Funding projects

  • NGI: Waiting for an answer

  • Fondation de France: Submitted today, instruction until November

  • Google Impact challenge: Waiting for an answer

2/ Process recruitment: Executive Management

  • First screening done, will conduct the interviews next week

  • Internal dealine to make the choice: October, 1st

3/ Fest General assembly

  • We have to prepare the agenda and make the call to members (before October 9)

4/ Retreat 2024

  • Find a date for the committee and the Technical office to meet for the retreat

  • Proposal: Wed 23 before General assembly, or Monday 28

  • Online or presential?

5/ Committee Renewal

6/ Process Internal regulation

  • Launch the process during the general assembly and call for interested members

  • This way we are waiting for Executive director to help shaping and managing the process


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