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Changes at "Democracy and global justice in the digital age"

Avatar: Ángela Ángela

Description (English)

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    A new edition of Decidim Fest arrives and it does so with an increasingly complex challenge: to understand the transformations of our society and their intersections with technologies from multiple perspectives. These are already everywhere, and the impacts are at many levels. 

    We open a three-day conference from which to think, understand and reflect on the relationship between technology and democracy, from the perspective of rights and justice on a global scale, with a 360º view: digital resistance processes and social challenges to face new forms of control, data decolonialism and algorithmic justice in the face of new forms of inequality, trans/hack/cyber feminisms, the transformations of capitalism in the digital economy, the impacts of the extraction of resources for technological production or climate justice are some of them. 

    Based on decidim's experience, and the principles and practices accumulated after 5 years of the project, we continue to dialogue and build for action, for the development not only of open and free democratic digital infrastructures, but also for the promotion of democratic processes for the defence of new rights in the digital era and for all processes of cooperation and social emancipation.


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