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Speakers Speakers (Decidim Fest 2019)



Alba Hierro

FESC coordinator and Pam a Pam specialist
<p>PhD in applied mathematics from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), specialized in the programming of numerical methods. Activist of Pam a Pam since 2012 and of the content commission of the FESC since 2017. Interested in the confluence between digital commons and ESS, she coordinates the Digital community from Pam a Pam and participates in the XES commons commission.</p>



Alberto Labarga Gutiérrez

Public University of Navarra. Open Knowledge Foundation
<p>Telecommunications Engineer, Professor of the Public University of Navarra, member of the Open Knowledge Foundation. Former Councilor for Citizen Participation and Social Empowerment of the City Council of Pamplona.</p>



Alejandra de Diego

Researcher/Consultant in citizen participation. Híbridas
<p>Researcher/Consultant in citizen participation, methodologist and process facilitator in the Hybridas network. Specializes in the combination of digital tools and in the implementation of hybrid citizen participation processes from a technopolitical and sovereign perspective. She has been the coordinator of the Collective Intelligence Laboratory for Democracy in Medialab Prado and partner of the Qiteria applied social research cooperative. Democomunes member</p>



Alejandra González

Deputy Director of Participatory Innovation Public Innovation Digital Agency of Mexico City



Alex Hache

<p>Cyberfeminist, lover of free technologies. She is the editor of two volumes on the panorama of technological sovereignty initiatives and likes to do speculative fiction workshops (feminist futures) with friends and activists. Co-founder of the Donestech collective, which explores the relationship between gender and technologies, developing action research, documentaries and training. She has coordinated an international network for Tactical Tech called Gender and Technology Institutes that developed training and content to include gender in digital privacy and security. She is currently working with rapid response networks on holistic security issues for human rights defenders.</p>



Ana Huertas

Facilitator for transition and permaculture
<p>Ana Huertas is a facilitator for transition and permaculture. She is an international development cooperation technician trained in sustainable agriculture by CEDEM and the universities of Plymouth and Montpellier. Coordinator of the international project Municipalities in Transition. Official transition trainer and member of the Transition Network.</p>



Andrés Pereira de Lucena

Software developer and system administrator specialized in free software and citizen participation

Software developer and system administrator specialized in free software and citizen participation. For the past 8 years he has been working in, an organization dedicated to producing open social tools that directly affect the environment, whether advising on the social use of new technologies or developing software for social movements or institutions, with projects such as, a website to give away and look for free second-hand gifts that want to promote reuse and reduce consumption and, which seeks to facilitate access to any type of organization to have a citizen participation portal. Among other projects, in recent years he has worked as a Technical Consultant for the Decidim project (, and implementing institutional citizen participation platforms such as Decidim Barcelona, Castilla La Mancha, Decidim Mataró, Decideix Malgrat and the platform of Open Government of the Prefecture of El Carchi (Ecuador).



Antonio Calleja

Researcher. Tecnopolí
<p>PhD in Sociology (University of Exeter), D.E.A. in Philosophy (University of Seville) and Master in Political Science (Arizona State University). He participates in projects ranging from sociological studies in the laboratory and techno-scientific innovation to the intersection between art and politics, including the analysis of social movements. Currently, four of them are Decode, Decidim, the Encuentros de Tecnopolítica y Tecnociencia (ET), and Interidentidad. He co-founded and the Democratic Innovation Lab.</p>



Arnau Monterde

Coordinator of Decidim City of Barcelona
<p>Arnau Monterde is responsible for Research, Development and Innovation in Participation at the Barcelona City Council. He is one of the cofounders of&nbsp; Decidim project. He has also promoted the Laboratory of Democratic Innovation in Barcelona. He was the coordinator of the project at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3-UOC). He studies emerging forms of political participation and democracy in the network society. He holds a PhD in Information and Knowledge Society by the Open University of Catalunya.</p>



Ben Cerveny

Foundation for Public Code

For over 25 years Ben Cerveny has worked as an executive, strategist, and designer in the context of operating systems, media applications, web services, products, the built environment, and digital games. Currently, he is building a Foundation to help cities and other public organizations develop and share what he calls Public Code, software and policy that is open, legible, and useful at the civic scale. Before this, he was a Design Fellow at Samsung, leading a project on room-scale programmable environments. Previously, he helped design the massively multiplayer game that became Flickr [and also named it], founded the Experience Design Lab at Frogdesign, and was CEO of Bloom Studios, whose data visualization iPad app Planetary was acquired by the Smithsonian Institution. 



Daniel Vázquez

<p>He is a member of the aLabs association. Expert with extensive experience in processes of citizen participation and telecommunications technologies.</p>



David Leal García

Dialogue facilitator, social collaborative innovation at Puentes 4D and Coincidimos

 David Leal García is dialogue facilitator, social collaborative innovation consultant, researcher and teacher. Trained as an Economist, he is currently enrolled in a doctorate program in Sociology at the University of Barcelona. As a facilitator he works or has worked in various projects in Medialab Prado (Coincidimos, ParticipaLab), Altekio o Platoniq and as a freelance in various organizations and networks. He researches and practices new ways to hybrid processes of face-to-face and digital collaboration for networked transformative work. A teacher in participatory leadership at Isabel I, he is also co-founder of the Adbusters magazine in Spanish and associate editor and columnist at



Diego Romano


Diego Romano is a researcher at  ICAR-CNR, the Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad Alte Prestazioni (Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking) of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italian National Research Council). His main fields of interest are High Performance Computing and Distributed Systems, in particular with regard to algorithm designing and the study of performance evaluation parameters. For several years, he has been studying Blockchain, highlighting inefficiencies and opportunities, and also evaluating alternative uses and implementations.



Emmanuel Silva

Advisor in citizen participation for the City Council of Buñol. Founder of the Association "La Hoya Innova"
<p>Emmanuel Silva led his first project back in 1995 with the creation of a cultural center in one of the most disadvantaged neighborhoods of Bogotá. Later, he was part of the Mesa Bogotana de Juventud, a citizen network that contributed decisively to launch a public youth policy for the Colombian capital. Before traveling to Spain, he was working as an advisor on public youth policy for UNICEF and led the Fabula Real cultural association that developed various projects for the Bogotana Public Administration.</p><p>In Spain he participated in projects of the Catalan and Valencian Integral Cooperative. He was the driving force behind the creation of the Valencia node of the Alternative and Solidarity Economy Network (REAS), and coordinated the "CrowdDays Valencia" edition.</p><p>Currently he is an advisor in citizen participation for the City Council of Buñol, teacher in Citizen Participation Tool Workshops and Founder of the Association "La Hoya Innova".</p>



Enric Luján

Professor of Political Science at the UB. Criptica Criptica
<p>Enric Luján is a PhD student, professor of Political Science at the University of Barcelona (UB) and member of Críptica, an association for the defense of privacy on the Internet. With them he has recently published "Digital Resistance", an operational and instrumental security manual for smartphones. He has also carried out artistic interventions that critically reflect on the role of technology with the ENTROPIC_LAB collective. </p>



Ivan Vergés

<p>Telecommunications engineer with more than 15 years experience in web development, especially in the field of free software. He has worked in Goteo leading the refactorització and modernization of the source code. He is currently working to apply and expand Decidim in organizations in several European countries.</p>



Joan Subirats

Deputy Mayor. Councillor for Culture, Education, Science and Community. Barcelona City Hall
Speaking at



Kasia Odrozek

Mozilla Foundation

Kasia Odrozek is a long-time open web and digital rights activist, entrepreneur, lawyer and political scientist. Kasia runs Mozilla's Internet Health Report, a compilation of research and stories explaining what’s key to a healthier internet. Before Mozilla she worked on creating open culture and developing mediawiki software with Wikipedia communities. She is also a recipient of the Google News Initiative grant with her startup TapeWrite where she led product and worked on alternative funding models for audio publishers. Since 2011 she has been a contributor to Global Voices, an international blogger community where she reported on digital and human rights issues such as surveillance and copyright. She is a believer in the ability of people to reinvent the way power and ownership are distributed in tech.



Kate Nicholson

Director of Partnerships and Events of BetaNYC
<p>Kate found her home in NYC’s civic tech community when she began a side project with a friend to make NYC budget data more transparent and accessible to the public. Soon after, she ran into BetaNYC, and in January 2019, she accepted a role with the organization to work at her favorite intersections: open data &amp; spreadsheets x public engagement &amp; events x human-centered design.</p><p>This past year she helped produce several of Beta’s key engagements including School of Data, BetaNYC’s community-driven conference that kicks off NYC Open Data Week with the Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics; and Hack League, NYC Department of Education’s CS4All program that engages middle school and high school students in a design process to apply computer science and use NYC Open Data to identify and build solutions to issues in their own communities. Most recently, Kate helped organize BetaNYC’s Mobility for All Abilities hackathon on National Day of Civic Hacking. As Director of Partnerships and a native New Yorker, Kate is keen to deepen and learn from BetaNYC’s collaborations within and beyond the five boroughs.</p><p>Prior to BetaNYC, Kate worked served as the Impact Director of a documentary film and media production company focused on global health issues. In this role she used storytelling as a tool to communicate with and engage communities in building collaborative solutions to threats, like infectious diseases; and came up with ways to measure and track the qualitative impact of film. She received her MFA in Design for Social Innovation from School of Visual Arts and a BA in Economics from Tufts University, where she also minored in Entrepreneurial Leadership Studies. Throughout her career, cities, design, technology, and the public interest have played a starring role. In the future, she plans to contribute to building a more participatory, transparent and accountable civil society that supports a culture of public collaboration. Kate was born and raised in New York City. She is always down to say hello and always up for a ☕ ⚽️ 🚲.</p>



Katja Henttonnen

Project Manager at the city of Helsinki City of Helsinki

Senior IT professional with more than 15 years of experience in development, deployment and management of information systems. Junior researcher with 7-9 academic publications. Currently working with e-democracy and digital participation, developing Decidim platform for the city of Helsinki. MSc degree in ICTs and Socio-Economic Development from the University of Manchester.



Liliana Arroyo Moliner

Researcher at the Institute for Social Innovation ESADE
<p>PhD In Sociology, working on Digital Social Innovation and its social impact.</p>



Lucía Martin

Councilor for Housing and Rehabilitation of the Sant Andreu District Barcelona City Hall

Martín, regidora de Barcelona En comú, ha destacat la diversitat dels barris de Sant Andreu i el creixement en habitatge públic i rehabilitació de finques previst per aquest mandat.

És enginyera química i té estudis de doctorat en Ciències Ambientals. Ha treballat en la inspecció de plantes de tractament de residus i estudiant processos biològics per eliminar contaminants del medi ambient. Ha en activitats reivindicatives a l’Ateneu Candela.

El 2009 va formar part del grup impulsor de la Plataforma d’Afectats per la Hipoteca, on va contactar amb l’actual alcaldessa Ada Colau. A les eleccions al Congrés de 2015 i 2016 fou escollida diputada per Barcelona en la coalició En Comú Podem.



Maite López Sánchez

University of Barcelona (UB)
<p>Maite is "Profesora Titular de Universidad" (similar to Associate Professor or Tenured University Lecturer/Professor) at the University of Barcelona (UB). She is member of the WAI (Volume Visualization and Artificial Intelligence) research group (2009 SGR 362)- CLiC Centre de Llenguatge i Computació (2014 SGR 623, 2017 SGR 00341) and adjunct scientist at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA), as well as member of the Consolidated Educational Innovation Group INDOMAIN (Grup d'Innovació Docent Consolidat: GIDC) at UB (code GIDCUB-13/138), former board member of the ACIA: Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence / Associació Catalana d'Intel.ligència Artificial, and one of the board directors of the EURAMAS (European Association for Multi-Agent Systems).</p>



Mara Balestrini

Ideas For Change
<p>Mara is a Human Computer Interaction (HCI) researcher and a technology strategist. She is the CEO of Ideas for Change, an innovation agency advising cities, businesses and institutions. Mara’s work sits at the intersection of civic technology, data, co-creation and Action Research. She has authored over 30 publications on these subjects and coordinated projects such as Making Sense EU, Bristol Approach and #DataFutures. Mara is also a co-founder of SalusCoop, the first Spanish cooperative for citizens’ health data.</p><p>Mara earned a PhD in Computer Science from the Intel Collaborative Research Institute on Sustainable Connected Cities (ICRI-Cities) at University College London (UCL). She also holds a BA in Audiovisual Communications and a MSc in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media. She is Senior Faculty at the IAAC and a visiting lecturer at the Royal College of Art (RCA). Her work has been awarded at ACM CHI, ACM CSCW, Ars Electronica, among others, and featured in international media such as the BBC, The Guardian, The Financial Times and El País.</p>



Marc Serra Solé

Councillor for Citizenship and Participation Rights of Barcelona City Council and Councillor for the district of Sants Montjuïc Barcelona City Hall
<p>Marc Serra Solé, Councillor for Citizenship and Participation Rights of Barcelona City Council and Councillor for the district of Sants Montjuïc. Jurist and sociologist. He worked during the 2015-2019 mandate as advisor of the third tenure of mayor in the Area of Citizenship Rights, Participation and Transparency from where, among other things, was one of the promoters of the new Office for Non-Discrimination and one of those responsible for active registration policies and the Neighbourhood Document to prevent the expulsion and detention of immigrants in an irregular situation. In addition, he has been coordinator of the strategy of the popular accusation in the case for the police charges of 1 October in which the City Council of Barcelona is personified. Previously he was part of the platform "Tanquem els CIE" and collaborated with several entities of defense of the human rights of the city. He co-directed the documentary "Tarajal: desmuntant la impunitat a la frontera sud".</p>
Speaking at



María Becedas

Methodologist, trainer, researcher and participation consultant citizen. Coordinator of the network and Hybridas
<p>Methodologist, trainer, researcher and participation consultant citizen. Coordinator of the network . and Hybridas. Specialized in the design of hybrid participatory processes (analogical-digital), accompaniment, democratic deepening, facilitation and collaborative events and projects. Activist in technopolitics, democracy and responsible consumption. Has redesigned as a training platform. Creating and developing also the official training for municipal technicians and entities for the Barcelona City Council. Creator of the methodology "Open Budgets" or "Qui Paga, Mana". Creator and promoter of the prototype of the Imetric democratic quality indicators system. Member of the networks Democomunes and Metadecidim.</p><p><br></p>



Mauro Forte

Naples City Hall
<p>Mauro Forte is an architect, civil servant in the City of Naples, specialised in the fields of digitalisation in cloud environment and citizen-centric innovation processes. For more than 10 years, he has been a member of the electoral task-force of the administration, where he has gained an important experience in the field of the whole procedure and periodical electoral operations. He has been active in the vindication of municipal referendums, especially in favour of the protection of natural resources and accessibility of the seafront. He has participated in the working group of the city of Naples on blockchain and cryptocurrencies, with specific competences in the organisation and facilitation of working groups.</p>



Mayo Fuster

Dimmons IN3, UOC. Sharing Cities Action Dimmons IN3, UOC. Sharing Cities Action



Michael Donaldson Carbón

Commissioner for Social Innovation, e-Government and Good Governance Barcelona City Hall
Speaking at



Noel Hidalgo

Executive Director of BetaNYC

Mr. Hidalgo stands at the crossroads of technology, government, community, and impact. He believes in participatory communities and uses technology to improve people’s lives. His work has been achieved through patience and organizing problem-solving teams. Mr. Hidalgo is known as an effective organizer who can walk between worlds.

Since 2009, he has organized BetaNYC to be a driving force to improve New York City’s use of technology and share its data. BetaNYC has advocated for a suite of government transparency laws, including the city’s transformative open data law and city record online law. BetaNYC runs the New York City Civic Innovation Lab/Fellows program, in partnership with the Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer, and curates the NYC School of Data community conference.

Mr. Hidalgo is an Eagle Scout. He was a Technology and Democracy fellow at Harvard Kennedy School’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation; served as an inaugural member of Code for America’s National Advisory Council, and is a former fellow / currently an affiliate at Data & Society Research Institution.



Núria Alonso

Colectic and Xarxa d’Economia Solidària (XES)
<p>Bachelor of Fine Arts converted to computer engineering. Passionate about GNU/Linux and everything that carries open licenses, where you can always learn more and more. For years she has been collaborating in projects that think how to incorporate technology to improve our society. She is a member of Colectic, a non-profit cooperative that promotes technological projects that include values of social responsibility. Working for an open, free, feminist and recyclable technology.</p>



Olivier Schulbaum

Head of RD at platoniq Platoniq. Goteo
<p>A collective of allied designers, researchers, makers, and techies with experience in social change and civic engagement. Create participatory processes and tools for participation with the lens of design and data justice that interweave the concerns and impact on the most adversely affected to engage more meaningful and inclusive participation. Olivier Schulbauum is the head of RD at platoniq.</p>



Óscar Pretel Ramírez

Former Advisor of Participation, Transparency and Open Gov of the Zaragoza City Hall

Oscar Pretel Ramirez. Master in E-Learning. ICT alphabetizer. Design of educational and participatory contexts. Innovative strategies for digital inclusion. Face-to-face/digital bimodal methodologies. Advisor to the Department of Participation, Transparency and Open Government of Zaragoza City Council. Advisor in Digital City in the City Council of Zaragoza. Design and implementation of the first Participatory Budgets in the city of Zaragoza. Currently starting the project MudejarLabTI, inclusive technology laboratory in Zaragoza.



Pablo Aragón

Research scientist. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Eurecat

Pablo Aragón is a research scientist at the Data Science & Big Data Analytics unit in Eurecat and an Adjunct professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. His research focuses on understanding social and political phenomena through the analysis of data from the Internet. He is particularly interested in characterizing online participation in civic technologies, the online network structures of grassroots movements and political parties, and the technopolitical dimension of networked democracy. Pablo is also a board member of Decidim, and co-founder of the Democratic Innovation Lab of Barcelona and the DatAnalysis15M research network.



Pablo DeSoto

Architect, artist, radical cartographer
<p>Pablo DeSoto, a Visiting Professor at Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil, is an award-winning architect, artist, radical cartographer, scholar and an educator with an iconoclastic experience across geographical and disciplinary borders. He holds an MA degree in Architecture and a PhD in Communication and Culture. In his work, DeSoto focuses on the intersection of architecture with digital media technologies exploring new conceptual frameworks and cutting-edge tools and he has developed several experimental architecture projects devoted to the reclamation of public space and territory.</p>



Paula Forteza

Assemblée nationale - Member of the French Parliament
<p>Paula Forteza is a member of the French Parliament representing the French diaspora in Latin America and the Caribbean. She was born in Paris, from Argentinian parents, but then, spent more than 20 years in Latin America. After her studies, she worked at the government of Buenos Aires and at Etalab, the open data taskforce of the French government, where she was involved in the organization of the OGP Global Summit. Paula Forteza wants to make digital affairs, transparency and citizen participation a priority in the political debate in France. She is also interested by the economic and foreign affairs, specially linked with her constituency. At the beginning of the legislature, Paula was strongly involved in the bill on moralisation of the political life and the Reform of the National Assembly as well. She was chosen by the president, François de Rugy as the Rapporteur for the working group “Digital democracy and new forms of citizen participation” and she organized the citizen consultation for the Parliaments’ reform. She was in charge of the GDPR in the National Assembly and is currently conducting a report on Quantum technologies for the Prime Minister. She is constantly working to make the National Assembly more modern, accountable and open to civil society. For example, she puts her agenda and her expenses on open data and she organizes an open space in her office once a week. Apolitico awarded Paula as one of the 100 most influential people on digital affairs in 2018.</p>



Pilar Shakti

Specialist in participatory processes, design and community interventions in Puentes4D

Specialist in participatory processes, design and community interventions in Puentes4D.



Proyecto UNA

It’s a millennial community whose mission is to unmask the new forms of fascism that are hidden under apparently harmless symbology, as well as to recognize and give value to the feminist alliances forged in the heat of pixels.

"Starting from the popular and the community, we investigate the cultural wars of power in the media, the internet and the analog reality. War has begun, we are sure of our position in it and we are ready to laugh out loud from the barricade, because our lives are at stake."



Rosa Borge Bravo

Professor of Political Science at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC)

Rosa Borge Bravo is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). She has been Deputy Director of the UOC's Doctorate and Master's in the Information and Knowledge Society and researcher at the UOC's Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN-3). Doctor in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Deusto (Bilbao). She has been a lecturer and research technician at Pompeu Fabra University, Portland State University and a Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan. Specialist in political behaviour and Social Science methodologies, her current research areas are digital deliberation and participation and social network analysis applied to political actors and social movements. He has published in indexed journals such as Information, Communication & Society, Policy & Internet, International Journal of Communication, ARBOR or the International Journal of Sociology. She has been the principal investigator of a project funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya (DEMOC call) that analysed participation and deliberation through the Decidim platform in Catalan municipalities.



roxu Pedro Álvarez


Always spinning around the connectivity totem, since the dawn of the Internet, when the sound of the modem sounded like an advent of the entrance to a world of interaction. Learning every day, getting to know new horizons in regards to the relationship between technology and society. The bet on digital commons and especially the open software movement have been a guiding thread on this journey. Currently researching and kick-starting new experiences to expand democracy.



Sanna Ghotbi

Digidem Lab

Citizen Participation Consultant at Digidem Lab, a non-profit democracy lab based in Sweden that help cities, city districts and public institutions in Sweden to design participation processes and implement either Decidim or Consul. Former member of city council in Gothenburg. Board member of Consul Foundation.



Sílvia Luque Delgado

Fundació Ferrer i Guàrdia

She holds a degree in sociology and a masters in public and social policies. She’s been the coordinator of the Social Analysis and Public Policies Institute from the Ferrer and Guàrdia Foundation, from which she is currently the director. She has collaborated in various research and publications about participation.



Thais Ruiz de Alda


Thais Ruiz de Alda is a technologist strategist. She’s been online since 1999. She holds a Degree in Law (Universitat de Barcelona), and continued her studies with a postgraduate in sociology (Pompeu Fabra) and political policies PhD studies (Escola doctorat Pompeu Fabra). Expert in communication and digital media, previously, she has joined different projects, such as running the digital area in in digital comms agencies, leading the digital strategy in Barcelona City Hall, starting up a webdoc production company, releasing the first webdoc in Spain and lately, as the Managing Director of tech consulting firm. She is also engaged with digital rights and digital commons activism and Gender and Tech activism, and has recently founded Digitalfems, and NGO to promote women in tech and the digital fields. She is also a regular collaborator of different collectives such as Liquen Data Lab, Dimmons and Metadecidim.



Violeta Cabello

Basque Center for Climate Change
<p>Violeta Cabello is a researcher in socio-environmental governance and participatory science at the Basque Center for Climate Change. She specialises in the design of collaborative knowledge generation processes, combining ICT tools and face-to-face spaces for inter and transdisciplinary interaction. Member of the associations Hybridas and Participación y Sostenibilidad, where she carries out applied research projects, accompaniment of participative processes and group facilitation. He also participates in the Wikitoki community, supporting the process of transition from the model of collaborative governance to sociocracy.</p>



Virgile Deville

Open Source Politics
<p>Virgile Deville is a civic tech entrepreneur. A graduate of Sciences Po Paris and HEC Montréal, he is the co-founder of Open Source Politics, which supports dozens of public institutions in the implementation of participatory platforms based on Decidim open source technology. Virgile is also a founding member of Code for France, a collective that promotes ideas and develops tools for a free and open digital world that offers opportunities to all citizens, and Democracy Earth, a foundation exploring the opportunity that the blockchain represents for democratic systems.</p>



Xabier Barandiaran

Philosophyer, Scientist and Researcher UVP/EHU University of the Basque Country

Xabier E.Barandiaran holds a PhD in Philosophy of Science and works on the transdisciplinary intersection of cognitive sciences and complex systems, collaborative innovation and participatory democracy. He studied the Master of Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems at the University of Sussex in the UK and it was there that he came into contact with the world of Artificial Life: a cross between biology, mathematics, computers, art, philosophy and engineering. He is a professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of the Basque Country, attached to the School of Social Work and a researcher at the IAS-Research Centre for Life, Mind and Society. Xabier has been a founding member of the Decidim project, of which he is still a member, coordinator of Democratic Innovation and advisor to Barcelona City Council, co-founder of the Spanish Network of Research in Cognitive Sciences, co-founder of (Laboratory of collaborative practices) and of the project el Buen Conocer/Flok Society.



Yun-Chen Chien
<p>Yun-Chen&nbsp; is an active g0v participant. is a decentralized civic tech community in Taiwan that builds collaborative open source solutions to improve civic participation (e.g. agriculture sensors, open political contributions, and Hackfoldr). As a product manager, Yun-Chen's work in, an issue-policy mapping tool, focused on tool design for cross-sector collaboration in the digital policymaking process. Yun-Chen was part of g0v hackathon-organizers, project manager of g0v Civic Tech Prototype Grant and PR lead of g0v Summit 2018.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>


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