Convent dels ÀngelsPlaça dels Àngels, 7, 08001 El Raval Barcelona, Spain
Introduction: Data analysis and visualization are two techniques that, linked to each other, are fundamental to understand and explain how the processes of citizen participation work in Decidim.Barcelona.
Challenges: To compare the activity index of Decidim by district with the results of the study of the digital divide in Barcelona. To evaluate the accepted and rejected proposals of the PAM in order to audit the process and to be able to understand the reasons why a proposal ends up being rejected. To analyze the discussions of the proposals for evaluating the deliberative capacity of the platform. Others arising from the participants.
Examples: Three groups are formed to address these 3 tasks with the data available at https://github.com/elaragon/metadecidim. A group of citizens appears posing other challenges, captures / analyzes / visualizes the data, and responds to these challenges.