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407 proposals

[WCAG 2.1 / AA: 3.2.2] Do not dynamically change the page content on filtering forms
Unauthorized actions with user manager roles
[Accessibility] Get rid of ALLCAPS headings and buttons in the default Decidim styling
IE11 - Notification settings are not working
Cannot cancel an up/a down vote on a comment
Dynamic multifield sections do not currently work correctly with IE11
Error merging proposals that come from a meeting
Broken metrics task: results (wrong SQL query)
Deleted process groups appears in the Groups selector on process list
The results within a project are not shown chronologically in the public view
Titol dades estadístiques processos
Falta informació a notificacions de trobada
When maximum supports is 0 it shouldn't be shown the threshold
Participatory texts - workflow document upload
The activity stream and timelines do not display proposals
Random order is re-calculated when user goes back to proposals list
Content sanitizing breaks proposal content
The process stats counters don't count well all the parameters
Notification and/or mail missing when registering for a Meeting
Official proposals in sortitions
No es pot eliminar un usuari Admin que no ha acceptat la invitació
Recuperació de contrasenya no dona avís d'error
The organizer of a meeting has two "@" in front of his nickname
Cambiar logotipo oficial pie de página
Member List Assemblies admin panel
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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