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Analítiques i estadístiques


405 propostes

[WCAG 2.1 / AA: 3.2.2] Do not dynamically change the page content on filtering forms
Enlace Plan (pdf) roto. Redirección a portada en vez de resultado.
When you create a meeting, notification is sent to the participants even if it is not published
Al Sign-in falta traduccions (en català) en l'error de contrasenya
Visibilitat de procés privat vs grup de processos
Do not notify if the user triggers a notification to themselves
Importar propostes pot crear propostes duplicades
Hipervínculos para seguimiento
Problema con el servidor cuando pasas página de followers
Participatory text - Amendments are displayed in the index of the participatory text
Links in Proposal's body disappear
Public profile navigation broken on narrow mobile screens
Titol dades estadístiques processos
"Receive a newsletter" checkbox checked by default when inviting a user
Followers badge doesn't show the actual number of followers
Participatory texts - repeated notifications when making an amendment
Impossible to delete a "survey" component
Feedback needed after Endorsing
Error al intentar acceder al configurador de permisos dentro de un componente.
Assembly "Admin has added you" notification includes unresolvable URL
Proposals can be modify even though they've received support or have been commented
Al ocultar un comentario publicitario en un encuentro, este no se elimina de la página de inicio de Erabaki
I can't edit a collaborative draft
Inconsistent home page statistics vs dataviz (different numbers and labels)
El cos de la proposta no es renderitza correctmaent
Proposal template in markdown does not render style
Error 500 after creating user. Decidim Initiatives
Include asterisk in the required field
Wrong URL leads to czech pages on decidim.org
Notifications does not work on Metadecidim
Some activity types are never shown on activities block/page
Member List Assemblies admin panel
Impossible to create component Sortitions
Progress meter ne devrait pas dépasser 100%
Search box does not work
Linking Assemblies
No desa configuració butlletins a la configuració de notificacions
Paging error in metadecidim reporting bugs
In the activity, the proposals of the groups of participants show the participant who created it
Impossible to make a form in a duplicate meeting
Missing keys in 0.11 ?
Invitation link to committee members does not work (initiative)
"Back" link brings to "Complete" step when comparing proposals
Participació en xifres surt els quadres en negre.
Sign button text doesn't change to "already signed" for initiatives
Administration of User Officialitation
Author doesn't receive notifications when its debate is commented
Participatory texts - too many restrictions on editing proposals
Als mòduls de propostes no es veuen les propostes rebutjades
No es descarreguen correctament les dades de text lliure d'una enquesta
Resultats per pàgina:
Veure totes les propostes retirades


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
