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407 proposals

Falta traducció en castellà al actualitzar un usuari Admin
Strange behaviour when click on icon next to endorse button
Conversations not generating notifications
Enlace Plan (pdf) roto. Redirección a portada en vez de resultado.
Notification error with strings
CallToAction button on Phases
Picture in newsletter have wrong URL and not shown
Quan faig login al Detall d'una Trobada, em redirigeix al mapa
Can't copy paste some camp body
Everyone can see the activity of private processes
I can't edit a collaborative draft
Extra useless button in the admin page for accountability statuses
As a registred user I can answer a survey with verification
Category no appears on Debates Card
Differences between Metrics and Stats
Some styles have been changed/lost in cards
Dashboard crashes when Proposals are deleted
Error en la traducció de Properes Trobades en català
Receiving notification when someone endorses and/or comments my proposal
Withdrawn proposals are showed in the proposal index
Auto-follow enabled?
Participatory texts - file format support in admin
Home blocks Processes / Assemblies are gone
Incomplete url in notifications for add a file
In the activity, the proposals of the groups of participants show the participant who created it
The filter by scope to initiatives doesn't work
Titol dades estadístiques processos
Participatory texts - too many restrictions on editing proposals
Participatory texts - repeated notifications when making an amendment
IE11 - Notification settings are not working
The video is not shown in the description of the debate
User group can endorse several times a same proposal
Accés al submenú "Participants privades"
Els pressupostos no notifiquen que has excedit el limit pressupostari
Geolocalització en sessions online
CSV per convidar usuaris privats no mostra motiu d'error
Columnes amb dates, no mostren l'any
"Back" link brings to "Complete" step when comparing proposals
Modal window doesn't close - receive HTML page
Notifications are sent if user posts a comment referring their own proposal/idea/etc.
L'enllaç del #hashtag es incorrecte
Linking to other modules than proposals in comments always leads to proposal links
Impossible to create component Sortitions
Impossible to make a form in a duplicate meeting
Deleting an organization is not working
[Accessibility] Get rid of ALLCAPS headings and buttons in the default Decidim styling
Statistics automatically displayed when creating a new participatory process
Picker in Modal within Scopes don´t show special characters
Direkt link to create new debate gives error for not logged in user
Link to "download your data" doesn't work
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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