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407 proposals

Error de traducció
Conversations not generating notifications
Cannot access notifications on 0.10.x
Error en notificacions email en canviar d'estat una proposta
Terms & conditions preview is not readable on Register page
Participatory text - Amendments are displayed in the index of the participatory text
El botó per "Deixar de donar suport" continua dient "Ja li has donat suport""
Free textfield in survey disabled when clicking on it on Safari
No funciona el enlace de invitación a admin
Missing keys in 0.11 ?
Amendment not withdrawn
Does not fit the text with the box
The Google + sharing button should be deleted on Decidim
Documents and collections should move up to the top of webhooks and related content in process page
Stats for processes: Participants
Assemblies filter doesn't work properly
Threshold support/voting needs to be better distinguished from maximum votes
Missing part of url: notification where a file is attached
Importar propostes pot crear propostes duplicades
Al ocultar un comentario publicitario en un encuentro, este no se elimina de la página de inicio de Erabaki
Error 500 when creating a participatory text without an uploaded file
Hipervínculos para seguimiento
Apareix el nombre de vots amagats
Participatory texts - too many restrictions on editing proposals
Varios errores en Newsletters con plantilla no básica
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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