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This is a collaborative draft for a proposal. This means that you can help their authors to shape the proposal using the comment section below or improve it directly by requesting access to edit it. Once the authors grant you access, you will be able to make changes to this draft.

[EN] Transparency by default rule for document sharing / [ES] Regla de transparencia por defecto para documentos compartidos

[EN] Rather than specifying the documents that need to be open (which might be an endless task) the association should adopt a transparency by default rule for document sharing. Meaning any document that's not shared should be backed by a good reason not to open it to the public. [ES] En lugar de especificar una lista de documentos (cuentas, estatutos, etc.) que tiene que ser transparentes (una tarea que es imposible de completar), la organización debería de adoptar una regla de "transparencia por defecto". Deberá de justificarse la existencia de cualquier documento que no sea compartido/publicado.


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