Changes at "1.1. "
Title (English)
- -1.1.
- +1.1.
Body (English)
This process shall take place publicly on the Metadecidim platform and shall be conducted as follows:
1. Preparation Phase: A Drafting Committee, composed of community volunteers, is constituted to identify key topics requiring regulation.
2. Agenda Setting:
The community is invited to comment on proposed topics and suggest additional areas for regulation.
The Drafting Committee prioritizes topics and establishes working groups to develop drafts for the most urgent regulatory matters.3. First Deliberative Cycle.
Drafting: The Drafting Committee prepares initial drafts of priority topics.
Community Deliberation: The drafts shall be subject to community discussion through participatory texts, online events, and eventually expert-facilitated dialogues.4. Second Deliberative Cycle.
Drafting: The Drafting Committee shall refine existing drafts based on the community feedback, and develop drafts for the second round of prioritized topics. Community Deliberation: A second round of participatory discussion shall take place to further refine the second round of prioritized topics.5. Review and Approval.
- Feedback Integration: The Drafting Committee consolidates community feedback into a revised version of the regulation.
- Coordination Committee Review: The Coordination Committee reviews the proposed text. In a joint meeting with the Drafting Committee, it approves, modifies or rejects the final version for submission to the General Assembly.
- General Assembly Vote: Each article approved by the Coordination Committee shall be submitted to the General Assembly for approval through a vote based on the majority rule. -
This process shall take place publicly on the Metadecidim platform and shall be conducted as follows:
1. Preparation Phase: A Drafting Committee, composed of community volunteers, is constituted to identify key topics requiring regulation.
2. Agenda Setting:
- The community is invited to comment on proposed topics and suggest additional areas for regulation.
- The Drafting Committee prioritizes topics and establishes working groups to develop drafts for the most urgent regulatory matters.3. First Deliberative Cycle.
- Drafting: The Drafting Committee prepares initial drafts of priority topics.
- Community Deliberation: The drafts shall be subject to community discussion through participatory texts, online events, and eventually expert-facilitated dialogues.4. Second Deliberative Cycle.
- Drafting: The Drafting Committee shall refine existing drafts based on the community feedback, and develop drafts for the second round of prioritized topics. - Community Deliberation: A second round of participatory discussion shall take place to further refine the second round of prioritized topics.5. Review and Approval.
- Feedback Integration: The Drafting Committee consolidates community feedback into a revised version of the regulation.
- Coordination Committee Review: The Coordination Committee reviews the proposed text. In a joint meeting with the Drafting Committee, it approves, modifies or rejects the final version for submission to the General Assembly.
- General Assembly Vote: Each article approved by the Coordination Committee shall be submitted to the General Assembly for approval through a vote based on the majority rule.