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Decidim Fest pics and videos, general Assembly, new web and more

Avatar: Official post Official post

Decidim Fest is over and we are full of energy to face our next challenges. We would like to thank all speakers, moderators and attendees that helped us to make this year’s edition one of the best ones we remember.

You can watch all the videos of the talks here and Photo Album here.

In order to make things better for the next edition, please answer this short survey. Your opinion is very important to us.

New look

Good news! has a brand new website, properly organised and designed. And to keep up with the new standards we have reorganised MetaDecidim (the worthwhile Meta :D). Please take a walk on our community site.

Next general Assembly

Put it in your diary! Next November 24th from 17:00 - 18:30 Barcelona time. Remote Participation. Register here.

Don’t forget to join this debate which will be part of the things to be decided in the Assembly

Learning Decidim: Barcelona, Paraguay and México 

We are glad to share 3 experiences around the world to learn Decidim this Autumn. One is about to be held, the second is a longer program that has just kicked off and the third was just celebrated.

Barcelona: Aprèn Decidim des de zero
🗣️ in Catalan
📍 Free of charge. At Canòdrom
📅 3, 10, 17 i 24 of November, 12.30h
Register here

Paraguay | Bootcamp and a Civic Technologies Hackathon
aimed at: Programmers, designers, and/or students of programming, systems analysis, computer science degree, business informatics, computer engineering, and other related careers, from the Department of Itapúa.

Find all info here (in Spanish)

México: Contributing to Decidim, open source digital democracy is the name of the workshop that Alejandra González (Codeando México) gave on 26 October. More info here.

Must read

The good people from Rosario Participa (Decidim’s instance in the Argentinean city of Rosario) were interviewed in depth by People Powered. Learn more about these interesting case of participation with digital technologies.

First European City for Democracy

The city of Barcelona is in the race for European City for Democracy to be chosen by 10,000 citizens from all Council of Europe member states. Applications to be part of the citizen jury are currently open. Find all info here.

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