Changes at "Preventing the retention of personal data of unconfirmed private participants"
Title (Castellano)
- +Preventing the retention of personal data of unconfirmed private participants
Body (Castellano)
¿Tu solicitud de nueva funcionalidad está relacionada con un problema?
When an admin invites private participants to a space, their users should not be generated until they have accepted the invitation (or at least their profile should not appear publicly).Problems /concerns:
- +
- Personal data of people who have not accepted to participate are kept without their consent
- +
- If you delete invited private participants, the user is kept
- +
- The profiles (with their names) appear published and findable despite not having accepted to participate and confirmed their user
Describe la solución que deseas
A) Do not generate users of invited private participants until they confirm their registration and accept to participate. And invitations of unconfirmed private participants expire after N days (configurable? 15 by default?) and those invitations are deleted
Describe alternativas que hayas considerado
B) Not show public profile for users not confirmed/accepted to participate, and be able as an admin to "delete" users not confirmed or autodelete them 30 days after.
Contexto adicional
After import a private participant, a regular user is created & his public profile available.When you click "delete" button from private participant list from a space, the user is removed from this space but the regular users remains & his public profile too.
¿Este problema podrÃa afectar los datos privados de los usuarios?
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