Changes at "Community Meeting 2: Online voting with Decidim"
Description (CatalĆ )
Aquest estiu llanƧarem un nou mĆ²dul que permetrĆ realitzar votacions online amb Decidim. Volem compartir les diferents complexitats que ens hem trobat i obrir el debat sobre els reptes que plantegen aquests sistemes de votaciĆ³.
L'equip darrere d'aquest desenvolupament presentarĆ el nou mĆ²dul:
- Eva SolĆ i Oriol Gual de Codegram,
- AndrĆ©s Pereira de Lucena (Assessor TecnolĆ²gic de Decidim).
Hem convidat com fila zero a les segĆ¼ents expertes que aportaran a la conversa des de l'Ć mbit tecnolĆ²gic, criptogrĆ fic i acadĆØmic.
- Pau Escrich, cofundador i CTO de Vocdoni, una plataforma que construeix solucions de governanƧa i un sistema de votaciĆ³ digital universalment verificable, anĆ²nim i escalable.
- David DueƱas, Professor Ajudant Doctor en MINDS (Management in Networked and Digital Societies) de la Kozminski University (PolĆ²nia) i Investigador a l'Institut Johan Skytte d'Estudis PolĆtics de la Universitat de Tartu (EstĆ²nia)
- Vanesa Daza, Professora Titular de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Investigadora en criptologia, criptoseguridad i blockchain.
- Ismael PeƱa-LĆ³pez, Director general de ParticipaciĆ³ ciutadana i processos electorals a la Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Xavier Puig, CIO de el Departament d'AcciĆ³ Exterior, Relacions Institucionals i TransparĆØncia de la Generalitat de Catalunya
- Paz Morillo, matemĆ tica. Docent i investigadora de la Universitat PolitĆØcnica de Catalunya. Membre del grup de recerca MAK (MatemĆ tiques Applied to Cryptography).
DocumentaciĆ³ tĆØcnica sessiĆ³ serĆ en castellĆ .
Aquest estiu llanƧarem un nou mĆ²dul que permetrĆ realitzar votacions online amb Decidim. Volem compartir les diferents complexitats que ens hem trobat i obrir el debat sobre els reptes que plantegen aquests sistemes de votaciĆ³.
šāāļøTens alguna pregunta pels ponents? Escriu un comentari i els hi formularem la pregunta en directe!
L'equip darrere d'aquest desenvolupament presentarĆ el nou mĆ²dul:
- Eva SolĆ i Oriol Gual de Codegram,
- AndrĆ©s Pereira de Lucena (Assessor TecnolĆ²gic de Decidim).
Hem convidat com fila zero a les segĆ¼ents expertes que aportaran a la conversa des de l'Ć mbit tecnolĆ²gic, criptogrĆ fic i acadĆØmic.
- Pau Escrich, cofundador i CTO de Vocdoni, una plataforma que construeix solucions de governanƧa i un sistema de votaciĆ³ digital universalment verificable, anĆ²nim i escalable.
- David DueƱas, Professor Ajudant Doctor en MINDS (Management in Networked and Digital Societies) de la Kozminski University (PolĆ²nia) i Investigador a l'Institut Johan Skytte d'Estudis PolĆtics de la Universitat de Tartu (EstĆ²nia)
- Vanesa Daza, Professora Titular de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Investigadora en criptologia, criptoseguridad i blockchain.
- Ismael PeƱa-LĆ³pez, Director general de ParticipaciĆ³ ciutadana i processos electorals a la Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Xavier Puig, CIO de el Departament d'AcciĆ³ Exterior, Relacions Institucionals i TransparĆØncia de la Generalitat de Catalunya
- Paz Morillo, matemĆ tica. Docent i investigadora de la Universitat PolitĆØcnica de Catalunya. Membre del grup de recerca MAK (MatemĆ tiques Applied to Cryptography).
DocumentaciĆ³ tĆØcnica sessiĆ³ serĆ en castellĆ .
Description (English)
This summer we will release a new module that will allow online voting with Decidim. We want to share the different complexities we have encountered and open the debate on the challenges posed by these voting systems.Ā
The team behind this development will present the new module:
- Eva SolĆ and Oriol Gual from Codegram
- AndrƩs Pereira de Lucena (Technological advisor of Decidim).
We have invited the following experts to contribute to the conversation from the technological, cryptographic and academic fields.Ā
- Pau Escrich, co-founder and CTO of Vocdoni, a platform that builds governance solutions and a universally verifiable, anonymous and scalable digital voting system.
- David DueƱas, Assistant Professor at MINDS (Management in Networked and Digital Societies) department of Kozminski University and the NeRDS (New Research on Digital Societies) group.
- Vanesa Daza, Senior Lecturer at Pompeu Fabra University. Researcher in cryptology, crypto-security and blockchain.
- Ismael PeƱa-LĆ³pez, Director General of Citizen Participation and Electoral Processes at the Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Xavier Puig, CIO of the Department of External Action, Institutional Relations and Transparency of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Paz Morillo, mathematician. Associate Professor at the Universitat PolitĆØcnica de Catalunya. Member of the MAK research group (Mathematics Applied to Cryptography).
Technical documentation activity will be held in Spanish.
This summer we will release a new module that will allow online voting with Decidim. We want to share the different complexities we have encountered and open the debate on the challenges posed by these voting systems.Ā
šāāļøDo you have any questions for the speakers? Write a comment below and we'll ask them live
The team behind this development will present the new module:
- Eva SolĆ and Oriol Gual from Codegram
- AndrƩs Pereira de Lucena (Technological advisor of Decidim).
We have invited the following experts to contribute to the conversation from the technological, cryptographic and academic fields.Ā
- Pau Escrich, co-founder and CTO of Vocdoni, a platform that builds governance solutions and a universally verifiable, anonymous and scalable digital voting system.
- David DueƱas, Assistant Professor at MINDS (Management in Networked and Digital Societies) department of Kozminski University and the NeRDS (New Research on Digital Societies) group.
- Vanesa Daza, Senior Lecturer at Pompeu Fabra University. Researcher in cryptology, crypto-security and blockchain.
- Ismael PeƱa-LĆ³pez, Director General of Citizen Participation and Electoral Processes at the Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Xavier Puig, CIO of the Department of External Action, Institutional Relations and Transparency of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Paz Morillo, mathematician. Associate Professor at the Universitat PolitĆØcnica de Catalunya. Member of the MAK research group (Mathematics Applied to Cryptography).
Technical documentation activity will be held in Spanish.