Changes at "Decidim bug bash party"
Title (Català)
- +Decidim bug bash party
Title (Castellano)
- +Decidim bug bash party
Description (English)
Disclaimer: This event is intended for advanced users and administrators of Decidim.
Years 2022 and 2023 have been mainly dedicated to the redesign of the front end of Decidim. Since the beginning of this process, and the first debates that took place on Metadecidim about the design pain points of the software, we wanted to make the most of the burgeoning and growing Decidim community. Now, we are at the end of the FE redesign process, after months of hard work by software maintainers, redesign and product teams.
An alpha version is finally taking shape in mid-July, so we'd like to invite you to an international online event to discover together the version 0.28 of Decidim!
Our objectives for this event are:
- Hunt out design bugs and inconsistencies of this alpha release before it is released as a stable version ;
- To promote the participation of the international community in the maintenance of the application.
The event will be 2 hours long and will be divided into the following sections:
- 20 minutes - Quick presentation of the event, participants and testing guides
- 100 minutes - Let's hunt for bugs!
We'll have an environment set up, as well as specific elements for you to test and amazing people to help you if needed, so you don't have to prepare anything! You're welcome to give us your feedback and help us improve the software!
We hope to see you there!
The release party working group and the Decidim Association
Disclaimer: This event is intended for advanced users and administrators of Decidim.
Years 2022 and 2023 have been mainly dedicated to the redesign of the front end of Decidim. Since the beginning of this process, and the first debates that took place on Metadecidim about the design pain points of the software, we wanted to make the most of the burgeoning and growing Decidim community. Now, we are at the end of the FE redesign process, after months of hard work by software maintainers, redesign and product teams.
An alpha version is finally taking shape in mid-July, so we'd like to invite you to an online event to discover together the version 0.28 of Decidim!
Our objectives for this event are:
- Hunt out design bugs and inconsistencies of this alpha release before it is released as a stable version ;
- To promote the participation of the international community in the maintenance of the application.
The event will be 2 hours long and will be divided into the following sections:
- 20 minutes - Quick presentation of the event, participants and testing guides
- 100 minutes - Let's hunt for bugs!
We'll have an environment set up, as well as specific elements for you to test and amazing people to help you if needed, so you don't have to prepare anything! You're welcome to give us your feedback and help us improve the software!
We hope to see you there!
The release party working group and the Decidim Association
Description (Castellano)
Aviso: Este evento está dirigido a usuarios avanzados y administradores de Decidim.
Los años 2022 y 2023 han estado dedicados principalmente al rediseño del front-end de Decidim. Desde el inicio de este proceso, y los primeros debates que tuvieron lugar en Metadecidim sobre los puntos de dolor de diseño del software, hemos querido aprovechar al máximo la floreciente y creciente comunidad Decidim. Ahora, nos encontramos al final del proceso de rediseño del FE, tras meses de trabajo por parte de los mantenedores del software, los equipos de rediseño y de producto.
Por fin, a mediados de julio, una versión alfa está tomando forma, ¡así que nos gustaría invitarte a un evento en línea para descubrir juntos la versión 0.28 de Decidim!
Nuestros objetivos para este evento son:
- Cazar errores de diseño e incoherencias de esta versión alfa antes de que se publique como versión estable ;
- Promover la participación de la comunidad internacional en el mantenimiento de la aplicación.
El evento tendrá una duración de 2 horas y se dividirá en las siguientes secciones:
- 20 minutos - Presentación rápida del evento, participantes y guías de pruebas
- 100 minutos - ¡A la caza de bugs!
Tendremos un entorno preparado, así como elementos específicos para que los pruebes y gente increíble que te ayudará si es necesario, ¡así que no tendrás que preparar nada! Te invitamos a darnos tu opinión y a ayudarnos a mejorar el software.
Esperamos verte por allí.
El grupo de trabajo de la release party y la Asociación Decidim