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Changes at "Community Stewardship meeting"

Avatar: Pauline Bessoles Pauline Bessoles

Description (English)

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    This meeting happened in 2023, and was organized on the Community working group Element channel.

    The two items of the agenda:

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    • Presentation of my understanding of Thematic committee (few slides). The goal of these slides is to present in a simple way how this part of the status work, it would be useful for all the others members to understand how it’s work in order to make proposals.

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    • "L'Assemblea General": there is an ambiguity in the status with this term. "L'Assemblea General" is for the group of people who are a member of the association AND the name for the online meeting to take decisions. This is confusing, but I would like to present my interpretation and its implications. To do it short: I think members can propose modifications of the Status, Meta.decidim architecture, etc without having to organise a meeting. This could be the access door to propose small changes in the status without having to meet.

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    • … you are welcome to bring your points directly at the meeting, I will facilitate to go through every items during the hour.

    • +

      This meeting happened in 2023, and was organized on the Community working group Element channel.

      The two items of the agenda:

      • +
      • Presentation of my understanding of Thematic committee (few slides). The goal of these slides is to present in a simple way how this part of the status work, it would be useful for all the others members to understand how it’s work in order to make proposals.

      • +
      • "L'Assemblea General": there is an ambiguity in the status with this term. "L'Assemblea General" is for the group of people who are a member of the association AND the name for the online meeting to take decisions. This is confusing, but I would like to present my interpretation and its implications. To do it short: I think members can propose modifications of the Status, Meta.decidim architecture, etc without having to organise a meeting. This could be the access door to propose small changes in the status without having to meet.

      • +
      • … you are welcome to bring your points directly at the meeting, I will facilitate to go through every items during the hour.

      • These two items could have been a element message but I think it is a good excuse to meet.

      Start time

      • -2023-02-08 14:00:00 +0100
      • +2023-02-08 15:00:00 +0100

      End time

      • -2023-02-08 15:00:00 +0100
      • +2023-02-08 16:00:00 +0100


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