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LAB Metadecidim - Session 16. decidim.pimpam: Strategic planning and participatory budgeting

  • Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats
    Carrer de Sant Adrià, 20, 08030 Barcelona
    Planta 3, Sala 4.
  • 10:30 AM - 13:30 PM CEST
OpenStreetMap - Carrer de Sant Adrià, 20, 08030 Barcelona
Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting

In 2016 the participation process for the Municipal Action Plan (PAM, du to the initials in Catalan) was carried out in Barcelona. It was the process that gave the starting signal to Decidim.Barcelona and to the Decidim project and it generated high levels of participation with more than 9000 citizen proposals, 400 face meetings and more than 150,000 supports. 70% of the citizen proposals that were included in the final PAM were accepted. Currently, through Decidim.Barcelona, it is possible to make an exhaustive follow-up of the execution of the PAM, which is around 90%.

The Barcelona City Council is already working on the proposal for a participatory process for the next mandate 2019-2023. In this new edition, we want to add a new layer to the participation process, which would be participatory budgets linked to the strategic planning of the city.

In this 16th edition of the LAB Metadecidim we want to open a debate based on the initial proposal of the design of the participatory process of the PAM-PIM (2019-2023) and on the role of the Decidim in the development of the participatory process with the aim of extending and improving the process of 2016 and enriching it with the experience of the participatory budget processes.


[1] Castellà, Carola. Pressupostos participatius al món local: el repte d'incorporar la ciutadania en la definició del pressupost públic (2019). Diputació de Barcelona

[2] Mesura de govern per una participació diversa i inclusiva (2017) Ajuntament de Barcelona.

[3] Decidim, la plataforma digital oberta i lliure per la participació i la innovació democràtica (2019) Ajuntament de Barcelona



[6] Resum i visualitzacions procés PAM 2016 Barcelona. Decidim

[7] Informe disseny procés participatiu digital PAM 2016 Barcelona. UOC.

Listen to the talks on Radio Decidim

Pressupostos participatius a debat
Ponència Carola Castellà, UAB
Download file
Estratègia de pressupostos participatius a Barcelona
Ponència Oriol Josa, Ekona
Download file
Una mirada al procés PAM 2016 Barcelona
Ponència Sílvia Luque, Fundació Ferrer i Guàrdia
Download file
Reptes del procés PAM-PIM 2019
Ponència Albert Martín, Ajuntament de Barcelona
Download file


Presentation [10:30 - 10:40]

  • Arnau Monterde (Coordinador projecte Decidim, Ajuntament de Barcelona)
  • Laia Forné (Regidoria de Participació i Districtes, Ajuntament de Barcelona)

Decidim PIM PAM [10:40 - 11:55]

  • Carola Castellà (Professora Associada al Departament de Ciència Política de la UAB)
  • Sílvia Luque:  (Fundació Ferrer i Guàrdia)
  • Albert Martín (Democràcia Activa, Ajuntament de Barcelona)
  • Oriol Josa (Ekona)

Coffe break [11:55 - 12:15]

Workshop and team work [12:15 - 13:10]

[12:15 - 12:15]

Pooling and closing [13:10 - 13:30]


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