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Are you a Decidim partner? Already you can present your candidature at the Committee of Coordination

Avatar: Juan Juan

Submission of candidatures for the renewal of the Coordination Committee

The second phase of the participatory process is already active. All Decidim members can apply (individually or collectively) for the future Coordination Committee.

☝🏽Present the candidacy

What are the rules?

The Coordinating Committee Election and Renewal System is a procedure to choose Coordinating Committee members appointed to the following positions: chair, treasurer, secretary and members who do not correspond to the spokespersons of the thematic committees (9 people in total). These are the articles that refer to the candidates:

14. All the members of Decidim Association can be candidates, if they so decide. As stated in the statutes: The candidates who formally present themselves may make their programmes and candidatures known through the Metadecidim platform to all members.

15. Applications may consist of between one and four persons. The collective candidatures must have a minimum of 50% women (or the name of the women cannot be less than half used in the case of a given name). Exceptionally, in the first election of a non provisional Coordination Committee, to be held in 2020, collective candidatures may be of fins to 7 persons.

16. It is the new Coordination Committee that, once constituted, will choose and make public the single-person positions that need to be renewed.

17. Collective candidatures cannot be formed by members of the same organization or company.

18.In each call, no more than two candidacies or candidates linked professionally and/or associatively to the same company or social entity that has a relationship with Decidim may be presented. The maximum number of people linked to the CC in a mandate is two, therefore, only the number of people remaining up to this maximum can be eligible to form part of the CC in a given call (one, if it already has a person with these characteristics or two, if there is none).

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