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📢 Propose your ideas to the Coordination Comittee

Avatar: Coordination Comittee Coordination Comittee

Dear Decidim Association Members,

We are thrilled to unveil a new initiative aimed at fostering deeper collaboration between our Coordination Committee and all members. The Coordination Committee has decided to enable a new proposal component, available in the Coordination Committee assembly.

What does this mean?

🌐 Opportunity to Propose: Now, you have the opportunity to submit proposals for consideration at our upcoming Coordination Committee meetings. Whether you have a vision for a Decidim Day celebration, a proposal for establishing a new Thematic Committee, a call for the Association's support on a particular issue, or any other governance-related matter, we want to hear from you!

📆 Upcoming Committee Meetings: Once your proposal is submitted, it will be carefully reviewed and discussed at our next Coordination Committee meeting, provided there is space on the agenda.

🤝 Only for members: Please note that only members of the Decidim Association are eligible to submit proposals. If you're not yet a member, we encourage you to join our community and actively participate in the Association.

📧 Need Assistance? If you encounter any issues or have questions about the proposal submission process, please don't hesitate to write a comment in the post or reach out to us at

🔗 For more information and to submit your proposals, please visit the "Proposals to the Committee" page.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Decidim.

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