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405 proposals

Adhesions should not be Enable by default

Not answered
Media picture: Unknown problem when creating a meeting

Unknown problem when creating a meeting

Not answered

Impossible to create component Sortitions

Not answered

The withdrawn proposals are taken into account with the limit of proposals per user

Not answered

Notifications are sent if user posts a comment referring their own proposal/idea/etc.

Not answered
Media picture: Consultation icon does not display correctly on Notifications

Consultation icon does not display correctly on Notifications

Not answered

GraphQL: Cannot return null for non-nullable field

Not answered
Media picture: Stats for processes: Participants

Stats for processes: Participants

Not answered
Media picture: Notifications does not work on Metadecidim

Notifications does not work on Metadecidim

Not answered

CSV per convidar usuaris privats no mostra motiu d'error

A user can reply to a comment even though comments are blocked

Not answered
Media picture: Nickname prefix wraps on  certain view widths

Nickname prefix wraps on certain view widths

Not answered

Name of submitter not included in Proposal component export

El nou buscador, està mostrant propostes que no estan públicades

Not answered

Notification and/or mail missing when registering for a Meeting

Not answered
Media picture: Not authorized view od the question components

Not authorized view od the question components

Not answered

Member List Assemblies admin panel

Not answered

L'input tipus date_field no funciona correctament quan s'entra la data manualment.

Not answered

Locale update fails on sanity checks

Not answered
Media picture: When editing a meeting, the description is filled in with the title text.

When editing a meeting, the description is filled in with the title text.

Not answered
Media picture: The organizer of a meeting has two "@" in front of his nickname

The organizer of a meeting has two "@" in front of his nickname

Not answered

Direkt link to create new debate gives error for not logged in user

Assemblies filter doesn't work properly

Not answered

Problemas de funcionamiento con las Iniciativas

Media picture: Updating meetings error

Updating meetings error

Not answered

Al clicar sobre un adjunt no s'obre en una nova pestanya

Not answered

Missing some translations for Euskera and Galician in 0.14.1

Not answered
Media picture: Cambiar logotipo oficial pie de página

Cambiar logotipo oficial pie de página

Not answered

While editing my bug notification I could not acces the "attachements" box

Not answered
Media picture: Error en la visualització dels comentaris a l'Ultima Activitat (HOME)

Error en la visualització dels comentaris a l'Ultima Activitat (HOME)

Not answered

Error en duplicar trobades online

Not answered
Media picture: Paging error in metadecidim reporting bugs

Paging error in metadecidim reporting bugs

Not answered
Media picture: In the activity, the proposals of the groups of participants show the participant who created it

In the activity, the proposals of the groups of participants show the participant who created it

Not answered
Media picture: Wrong naming consultations

Wrong naming consultations

Not answered

"Back" link brings to "Complete" step when comparing proposals

Not answered

Non-member users can participate to a private, transparent assembly

Not answered

Official proposals do not allow denunciation or moderation.

Not answered

Dynamic multifield sections do not currently work correctly with IE11

Not answered

Prevent proposals from re-sorting on multi-paged lists

Not answered

No es poden afegir més d'un adjunt a les propostes des del panell d'administració

Not answered
Media picture: Two buttons "create" and "send" when creating a managed user

Two buttons "create" and "send" when creating a managed user

Not answered
Media picture: Followers badge doesn't show  the actual number of followers

Followers badge doesn't show the actual number of followers

Not answered
Media picture: Terms and conditions aren't shown on an event registration process

Terms and conditions aren't shown on an event registration process

Not answered
Media picture: Can not hide number of supports

Can not hide number of supports

Not answered
Media picture: Error on languages duplicating a meeting

Error on languages duplicating a meeting

Not answered
Media picture: ¿Es obligatorio empezar el texto de las propuestas con letras mayúsculas?

¿Es obligatorio empezar el texto de las propuestas con letras mayúsculas?

Not answered

Participació en xifres surt els quadres en negre.

Not answered

Problema con el servidor cuando pasas página de followers

Not answered

Mòdul processos actius no té en compte el pes dels processos

Media picture: Free textfield in survey disabled when clicking on it on Safari

Free textfield in survey disabled when clicking on it on Safari

Not answered
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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