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Configuració de les galetes

Fem servir galetes per assegurar les funcionalitats bàsiques del lloc web i per a millorar la teva experiència en línia. Pots configurar i acceptar l'ús de galetes, i modificar les teves opcions de consentiment en qualsevol moment.



Analítiques i estadístiques


405 propostes

When user has no nickname nothing displays in conversation title
Con coincideixen xifres de participants
Admin menu missing on assemblies
Attachments are lost when publishing a collaborative draft proposal
Types of initiatives are not displayed on left navigation filter-menu
A user can reply to a comment even though comments are blocked
Terms and conditions aren't shown on an event registration process
Wrong label "No participants" in Participant CardM
Unauthorized actions with user manager roles
Why can we still comment or follow a withdrawn proposal ?
Al ocultar un comentario publicitario en un encuentro, este no se elimina de la página de inicio de Erabaki
No es descarreguen correctament les dades de text lliure d'una enquesta
FIltering results via category
Crear tipos de ámbito, no funciona
Error crowdin translation on Continuity badge
Error al configurar els àmbits i el nombre de signatures de les iniciatives
Editing homepage appearance error
Proposed improvements to the user validation flow
Linking proposals to results for accountability
Google sign-in icon reduced to tiny size when unregistered user makes new proposal
No es pot eliminar un usuari Admin que no ha acceptat la invitació
Followers badge doesn't show the actual number of followers
Votes count appear on linked proposals even when votes are not activated
El cos de la proposta no es renderitza correctmaent
Language switcher doesn't work in Homepage widgets
When maximum supports is 0 it shouldn't be shown the threshold
Missing keys in 0.11 ?
Rename ar_SA to ar generic in Decidim languages
Selección de procesos pasados, activos, próximos y todos: Se queda 'colgado' "Carregant resultats..."
When you create a meeting, notification is sent to the participants even if it is not published
Assembly "Admin has added you" notification includes unresolvable URL
Mentions to a participant are not rendered correctly in email notifications
The withdrawn proposals are taken into account with the limit of proposals per user
Nickname validation is not in place
Duplicate children assembly displays as a mother assembly
Raffle does not show up publicly
[CRITICAL] Vote/support button not responsive
Comments are missing on the home stats
Sorting filter in frontend doesn't work properly
Statistics blocks number overlaps text underneath
The process stats counters don't count well all the parameters
Last activity feed is not working properly
Al editar una proposta pot canviar l'autor involuntàriament
Creació automàtica de perfil en convidar usuari via CSV
The "sub-assemblies" button isn't available to the admin after 1 generation of assemblies
User invitation form doesn't render the text of the newsletter checkbox in the contact permissions section
Error en duplicar trobades online
Does not fit the text with the box
Menú no muestra componentes
Editar proposta no deixa canviar l'arxiu adjunt a la proposta
Resultats per pàgina:
Veure totes les propostes retirades


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
