Monthly Design call · September
Online(Opens in new tab)
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM CEST
Every last wednesday, 10-10:30AM CEST, group call in the Element Channel: link) (copy-paste this otherwise link won't work)
👋 Anybody can join, contribute or request design assets, reach out!
Meeting Minutes
Andres: Jupa started to use the Figma Design System and checking differences with the design guide
Lucien: How can we make UX design improvements proposals to the product team? (example: conditionnal questions in surveys)
Lucien: Having specific areas of UX to improve is an actionable way to onboard the OpenSourceDesign Group into this community
Lars: We are happy to share a list of UX improvements needed in this design group
The update of Metadecidim to 0.29 has fixed the accountability bug keeping us to organise this community's projects and tasks!(Opens in new tab)
Made Lars an Admin so he can add his tasks
Added 2 categories to sort tasks: Governance, UX design improvements