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Decidim Association Assembly - Coordination Committee Change Approval

Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting Private meeting Transparent

As stated in the minutes of the last meeting of the Coordination Committee, all members of the Association are called together to validate a change in the Committee.
We will also take the opportunity of the meeting to update all members on the steps taken so far.

Proposed agenda

  1. Change in committee members
  2. Status of grants
  3. Decidim's trademark and image actions
Decidim Association Project 2021
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Meeting Minutes

Atendees: Elsensa Ortega,Txema, Silvia, Nuria, Pau Parals, ivan, Vera, Pablo, Bru, Carol, Yuni, Fran, Ángela.

Point 1: Renewal of members

 Carol announces that Andres declined his participation in the coordination committee at the last meeting. For this reason, the current committee proposes that in order to maintain the 9 people that must confirm the committee, the first candidate that was left out will be elected. This person would be Fran Keller (

 Fran makes a short introduction of the reasons and purposes in her candidacy. It can be read in her candidacy ( He emphasizes, among others, his vision of Latin America that he can contribute to the Decidim project.

 The renewal of members is approved by unanimous assent.

 Point 2: Grants

The framework agreement between Ayto - Generalitat - Decidim was signed to request the subsidies. There has been a change in the Direction of Processos Participatius and we needed the new team to sign the technical report. This step has been taken and it seems that the Generalitat gives the green light for the subsidy.
 On the part of the City Council, we also have news. It has already passed through the Government Commission of the City Council and now it is going to be signed.
 Three job offers have been prepared. Titles:
  - Community Coordinator. Person dedicated to participant care, documentation and roadmap (product support).
 - Senior RoR Developer: Mantainer role (update libraries, improve installation process... ensure code sustainability, refactors, etc.).
 - Administrative support: Part-time person to support administrative support, grant justifications, etc. [this offer is not yet clear when it will be released].

 - In the future: Incorporate a person in charge of UX.

 It is also expected that there will be a quota income of 1600 euros. We will reopen for new members.

 - Can we review the terms of hiring?
 - The developer will be able to offer support to communities with fewer resources that want to implement Decidim? / Improve accessibility.

 Point 3: Decidim trademark

 The Decidim trademark is already registered in nominative ("Decidim") and figurative (Logo with the "d.") at European and Spanish levels.

 To specify: What is our trademark policy? Who and under what conditions can use the Decidim trademark?

 Inspired by Wordpress / Rails policy, a set of Bullet points with "good practices" and "bad practices" will be published in Metadecidim in these days as a process with the draft text and with the possibility of making amendments for about 3 weeks - 1 month.

 Idea: Add in this process the need to comply with the social contract.

 When could the social contract be revised? (in relation to the use of the trademark).

 Point 4: Reopen membership form

 - What would need to be changed about the form to make sense today?

 - Requirements: Having had contact with the project in one of these ways (see for more details)
 - active participation in the MetaDecidim community (what does active participation mean?)
 - be a Decidim instance administrator
 - have a professional connection with the project
 - have contributed to the codebase

 Pending: Registration of legal entities as members (Internal Regulations: this process should be reopened).

 Internal Regulations: move forward by 'sections' or parts according to the real/practical needs of the association, without waiting for a complete RRI that covers all the issues at once. In other words, building and approving the IRR in parts and as needed.

 Emerging ideas
 Return to a less "institutionalized" character of Decidim? To open the association so that members who maintain the "spirit" of the project can join.

 Draw the line between being in MetaDecidim / being in the association / being in the coordination committee / being hired by the association.

 Rethink the SOM (community meetings), adapting them to the association: raise challenges, make them more dynamic

 Carol defends the need to articulate / formalize the community as an association Decidim, to try that all those who participate in the community are part of the association to give meaning to this instrument of governance.

 Fran proposes that the right to vote [...] (only for members? I didn't quite get it, sorry).

 Promote a less "extractivist" model of MetaDecidim, that people "GET INVOLVED". :)


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