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Asamblea Extraordinaria de la Asociación Decidim

  • Online
  • 17:00 PM - 19:00 PM CEST
Avatar: Encuentro oficial Encuentro oficial

Se convoca a todas las socias a una asamblea extraordinaria.

  1. Presentación oficial del nuevo comité
  2. Actualización sobre la actividad del Comité de Coordinación
  3. Actualización sobre las subvenciones
  4. Renovación del convenio Decidim-Localret-Ayuntamiento de Barcelona
  5. Próximos documentos oficiales traducidos para nuevos miembros (estatutos)
  6. Actualizaciones de la asociación
  7. Presentación del nuevo módulo de votación electrónica hecho en colaboración con Vocdoni
  8. Votación para la aprobación del documento sobre reuniones comunitarias con el módulo de Vocdoni
  9. Presentación y lectura del documento
  10. Preguntas abiertas
  11. Votación
  12. Actualización sobre el ranking de people powered (ranking)
  13. Procesos futuros
  14. Piso abierto para comentarios

En esta asamblea vamos a usar el modulo de voto electronico que hemos estado desarrollando durante estos meses junto con Vocdoni. Podéis leer aquí la notícia.

Mira los resultados

Presentation Extraordinary Assembly
Presentation Extraordinary Assembly (27_03_23)
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Community meetings and thematic committees
Organisational document on community participation mechanisms
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Encuentros de la comunidad y comités temáticos (ES)
Documento organizativo de los mecanismos de participación de la comunidad
Descargar archivo

Acta del encuentro

Assembly attendees:

Nil, Ali, Bru Aguiló, Carol Romero, Andrés, Hadrien, Maite, Maite López-Sánchez, Iva, Pau Pokekode, Pauline OSP, Roxu, Ant, Simon, Gala Pin, Baptiste, Fran, Ángela, David, Txema, Lucien Octree, Romy Grasgruber-Kerl, 

1/ Official presentation of the new committee

Ali makes a presentation of the new members of the committee and their objectives.

2/ Update on the activity of the Coordination Committee

Nil reports about activity of the Coordination Committee.

Update of grants

We have the following grants given to the association:

  • Barcelona City Council - 100k€
  • Generalitat de Catalunya - 50k€
  • Vocdoni - 15,6k€
  • Partners - 19,2k€

Renewal of the agreement Decidim-Localret-Barcelona City Council

The association is working to renew the agrement between Decidim, Localret and the Barcelona City Council

In this agreement the Barcelona City Council cedes the management and maintenance of the code to the Decidim Association. It will be extended for another 4 years.

Upcoming translated official documents for new members (statuses)

Pauline explains the new documents that have been translated from catalan to spanish and english. The objectives are to internationalize the association and encourage new community members to join the Association

Partnership updates

The current partners are:

  1. Pipeline to Power
  2. PokeCode
  3. Octree
  4. Colectic
  5. Opensourcepolitics - 15k€ at the start of the year, and 15k€ later on

3/ Presentation of the new electronic voting module made with Vocdoni

  • Carol explains the collaboration done with Vocdoni. It has been a crucial collaboration.This can be an interesting module for all instances. There has been conversations since 2020 with the Vocdoni team.
  • There has been a 1st iteration of the development. Andres has taken care of the development of this module.
  • The current grand will be extended to have a 2nd iteration. There will be a meeting after eastern holidays to implement all the features listed in the document. (I.e, use of Decidim internal census, adapt to the new UI, step-by-step voting flow to create an election, etc)

4/ Voting for approval of the document on community meetings with the Vocdoni module

Nil introduces the document. It has been a work in progress since the last Decidim Fest, through a working group. The presentation can be found in the meeting attachments. To vote we will be using the new module developed using the vocdoni protocol. Every member of the association has received an email with the instructions on how to do it.

5/ Ranking people powered update

People Powered launches every year a ranking about participatory platforms. When the announcement was made, Decidim was ranked #2 with Citizen Lab, afterwards there had been some moves and Decidim ranked #8, after talking with them Decidim reached again a #3 or #4 place. This ranking does not take into account that Decidim is an Open Source platform, this has been explained to them, and it might be taken into account for next year.

6/ Future processes

There has to be participatory processes to define the Decidim management model and sustainability strategy. Next will the new process will be published in We will discuss 4 topis, which are:

  1. Economic sustainability
  2. Management and roles of the Technical Office
  3. Association - Partners Relationship
  4. Internationalization

There will be a new internal document about how the association has to work. The different faces and channels of participations will be shared next week with the whole community. The decision will be held in the general assembly next juny-july.

7/ Open floor for comments

-(Question made previously) Baptiste asks if the Decidim Association is planning to publish its budget publicly.

-Nil explains that the amounts given by private partners or individual people will be accessible through opencollective. Also, the information about the public grants is also public. There will also be three new hires, related to the Barcelona City Council grand, regarding fundraising, development and design.

-Lucien: One question related to the People Powered ranking. To what extent are they aware of the aspect of digital commons?

-Andres: They don’t really understand open source software, since they value some projects as open source, even though they have an open-core principle. Where, some software is open source and other functionalities have to be paid to be used and are proprietary.

-Ali: This is part of the advocacy part of this new committee, as is part of the objectives of the new committee, we have to push for understanding commons, open source, etc.

-Andres: Wants to congratulate Hadrien for the work done in the community meetings document.

-Hadrien: If the document passes, how do we handle previous thematic community

-Nil: We can be flexible. The thematic committees that exist and are working well, we don’t need to re approve these thematic committees. 

-Pauline: Is there something the assembly would have liked to be talked about in this assembly meeting?

-Hadrien: Would like to know the next important dates.

-Nil: Soon the dates of the next Decidim Fest will be shared.

-Lucien explains the Theory Of Change, to explain the visions and steps of a process. It’s a standard document used by NGOs, for fundraising it is really necessary to have it. The aim is to measure change and not profit. 

Estimate duration: 1h40 

Real duration: 1h10


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