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32 meetings

Descoberta del Forum Jove de Barcelona
Democratic innovation in Barcelona: From the Participatory budgets to the Barcelona Youth Forum
Decidim devs and futures
Decidim stories: America & Asia
Decidim stories: Europe
☕️ Break
Decidim stories: Catalonia
Decidim stories: Organizations
Decidim and participatory citizen science
Hacking the Commons
Algorithmic censorship, the best tool against online hate speech?
The political fight in the digital age
Material limits of the energy transition: Thanatia
Platform Unionism
🍽️ Lunch break
Democratic Consolidation in the Digital Age: Digital as a Tool for Civic Engagement
Radical democratic governance
Algorithmic Justice
☕️ Break
Feminist Cyber-resistance
Rough Justice
Data Decolonialism
The feminist emergency in Mexico, in between potency and hate on the Internet
Feminism and data decolonialism
🍽️ Lunch break
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See all withdrawn meetings


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