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Analítiques i estadístiques


406 propostes

Error message finalizing proposal amendments with participatory texts
Unable to manage Consultations components
Create debates as a normal user in a private assembly
Missing some translations when someone I follow its officialitzation is updated
Search engine on initiative doesn't work properly
Ordenar dates de les trobades/asambleas
After removing a proposal, it keeps saying I have created one
The verifier errors are shown duplicated one over the other
Error als links de les trobades
User mention doesn't work always
Participatory texts - too many restrictions on editing proposals
When you create a meeting, notification is sent to the participants even if it is not published
Error in "follows" counter
The initiative created with a sub-scope, when it is managed, is assigned the general scope
Visibilitat de procés privat vs grup de processos
I can't comment as a Group
GraphQL: Cannot return null for non-nullable field
Cannot cancel an up/a down vote on a comment
Custom colors don't seem to apply everywhere
Unable to edit collaborative draft with attachment if attachment is enabled after it's creation
Període actiu del procés no agafa el dia de finalització
Incomplete url in notifications for add a file
Updating meetings error
Failure when filtering initiatives by tag
Clicking on edit a proposal from the frontend leads you to the general table of proposals.
Votes count appear on linked proposals even when votes are not activated
¿Es obligatorio empezar el texto de las propuestas con letras mayúsculas?
Some activity types are never shown on activities block/page
While editing my bug notification I could not acces the "attachements" box
Admin partner logo missing triggers server error
Participatory text - Amendments are displayed in the index of the participatory text
Missing some translations for Euskera and Galician in 0.14.1
Metrics without data
No es poden afegir més d'un adjunt a les propostes des del panell d'administració
Cannot access notifications on 0.10.x
Moderate comments visible in the Last activity block
Neutral terminology in initiatives
The date of the proposals does not appear on the XL card
Google sign-in icon reduced to tiny size when unregistered user makes new proposal
The filter by scope to initiatives doesn't work
Threshold support/voting needs to be better distinguished from maximum votes
Feedback needed after Endorsing
Counter intuitive verification Lock icons
Als butlletins no es mostren vídeos encastats
Participatory texts - workflow document upload
When maximum supports is 0 it shouldn't be shown the threshold
Withdrawn proposals are showed in the proposal index
Visualizaciones en seguimiento PAM inactivas
Followers badge doesn't show the actual number of followers
Next meeting in Assemblies homepage is not correct
Resultats per pàgina:
Veure totes les propostes retirades


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
