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Analítiques i estadístiques


403 propostes

Error searching by scope in the search engine
The reason field has been lost for impersonification
Els pressupostos no notifiquen que has excedit el limit pressupostari
Participatory texts - file format support in admin
Error when creating new scope for initiative type
Quan creo una proposta veig la proposta draft d'algu altre!
Resend confirmation instructions - Hard to understand error message
Error al intentar acceder al configurador de permisos dentro de un componente.
Include asterisk in the required field
Free textfield in survey disabled when clicking on it on Safari
Error al crear proposta col·laborativa
Invalid "This group doesn't have any members yet".
Impossible to create component Sortitions
Prevent proposals from re-sorting on multi-paged lists
Impossible to see the public profile of a user who has a "." in its nickname
El nou buscador, està mostrant propostes que no estan públicades
[Critical] Managed users with same name "steals" other person's identity
Sorting filter in frontend doesn't work properly
When you create a meeting, notification is sent to the participants even if it is not published
Linking Assemblies
An incorrect translation variable in the email
The results within a project are not shown chronologically in the public view
The video is not shown in the description of the debate
Merge & Split proposals
Process m-size cards are not properly displayed, they include too much content
Missing keys in 0.11 ?
Al ocultar un comentario publicitario en un encuentro, este no se elimina de la página de inicio de Erabaki
Recuperació de contrasenya no dona avís d'error
No es pot eliminar un usuari Admin que no ha acceptat la invitació
GraphQL: Cannot return null for non-nullable field
Error when entering a Conference event
Static map disable HERE map functionality
Can't copy paste some camp body
Deleting an organization is not working
Error when a meeting becomes author of a proposal
[Accessibility] Get rid of ALLCAPS headings and buttons in the default Decidim styling
Invitations to Initiatives are sent before they are published
Les dates d'inici i fi del procés apareixen de manera automàtica amb errada ortogràfica: en català els mesos van en minúscula i cal apostrofar.
The privacy feature doesn't duplicate in a new process of an original private process
Wrong label "No participants" in Participant CardM
[CRITICAL] Vote/support button not responsive
Visualizaciones en seguimiento PAM inactivas
CSV per convidar usuaris privats no mostra motiu d'error
Can not secure Consultations with verifiers
Error maquetació serveis a les trobades
Conversation threads don't diplay in the correct order (most recent first)
Selección de procesos pasados, activos, próximos y todos: Se queda 'colgado' "Carregant resultats..."
Editing homepage appearance error
Withdrawn proposals are showed in the proposal index
"Back" link brings to "Complete" step when comparing proposals
No es descarreguen correctament les dades de text lliure d'una enquesta
Filtre de propostes per categoria no funciona al mapa
Deleted process groups appears in the Groups selector on process list
Linking proposals to results for accountability
Problema con el servidor cuando pasas página de followers
The proposal sidebar layout is broken on tablet portrait screens
Assemby admins must not be allowed to send newsletters platform-wide
Broken metrics task: comment
Limiting the value of projects for participatory budgets
While editing my bug notification I could not acces the "attachements" box
In the minutes of the session, a blank box appears if there is only audio or video
Es mostra malament la informació d'un resultat al mòdul seguiment
Error en notificacions email en canviar d'estat una proposta
Als butlletins no es mostren vídeos encastats
Error on languages duplicating a meeting
Announcements on Assemblies components are not shown
The initiative created with a sub-scope, when it is managed, is assigned the general scope
Ordre els processos a la pàgina processos
Delete @ on contextual help for Nickname when Signing Up
Error als links de les trobades
The "sub-assemblies" button isn't available to the admin after 1 generation of assemblies
Duplicate children assembly displays as a mother assembly
No permet copiar i enganxar a la descripció
Bug running migration "Fix user names"
Participatory text - Amendments are displayed in the index of the participatory text
Limitation of characters in "creating" step initiatives
I can't publish the answer to the proposals
Import from proposal to budget component loses scope
I'm just getting notifications from the people I follow
Participació en xifres surt els quadres en negre.
Geocoding issue with chilean addresses
Docker installation Decidim development fails
Broken metrics task: results (wrong SQL query)
Participatory text with wrong format should return an error on upload
Links in Proposal's body disappear
Not authorized view od the question components
Participatory texts - too many restrictions on editing proposals
Notifications are sent if user posts a comment referring their own proposal/idea/etc.
Registro de bots (spam)
Private assemblies are shown when becoming childs from another assembly.
Wrong translations on email when someone gives support to a proposal
Removed propositions still visible in the "recent activity" section on the front page
Proposal templates without line breaks or with html characters (when I define a new template)
Not possible to upgrade 0.17 without conferences
Nickname validation is not in place
Participant cannot vote (suppport proposal) if authorized
Custom colors don't seem to apply everywhere
Unauthorized actions with user manager roles
The Google + sharing button should be deleted on Decidim
Error 500 after creating user. Decidim Initiatives
Resultats per pàgina:
Veure totes les propostes retirades


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
