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403 propuestas

Rename ar_SA to ar generic in Decidim languages
PDF creation within Initiative not translatable
No es poden afegir més d'un adjunt a les propostes des del panell d'administració
Participatory texts - repeated notifications when making an amendment
[WCAG 2.1 / AA: 3.2.2] Do not dynamically change the page content on filtering forms
Error message when I cannot withdraw my proposal is not explicite enough
Datepicker doesn't display the right date format in french
Official proposals do not allow denunciation or moderation.
Admin menu missing on assemblies
L'enllaç del #hashtag es incorrecte
Impossible to make a form in a duplicate meeting
Votes count appear on linked proposals even when votes are not activated
Google sign-in icon reduced to tiny size when unregistered user makes new proposal
Geolocalització en sessions online
Wrong dates debates and Order Debates
When adding members to an Assembly they don't show up publicly
Sorting filter in frontend doesn't work properly
Can not hide a comment through moderation
Extra useless button in the admin page for accountability statuses
Visibilitat de procés privat vs grup de processos
Als mòduls de propostes no es veuen les propostes rebutjades
Error in configuration limit of files to be uploaded in the process of user validation by DNI
The "sub-assemblies" button isn't available to the admin after 1 generation of assemblies
Titol dades estadístiques processos
Enlace Plan (pdf) roto. Redirección a portada en vez de resultado.
Els pressupostos no notifiquen que has excedit el limit pressupostari
El cos de la proposta no es renderitza correctmaent
Error en url del perfil
Missing keys in 0.11 ?
Wrong translations on email when someone gives support to a proposal
Con coincideixen xifres de participants
Cambiar logotipo oficial pie de página
Invitations to Initiatives are sent before they are published
Search box does not work
[Accessibility] Get rid of ALLCAPS headings and buttons in the default Decidim styling
User invitation form doesn't render the text of the newsletter checkbox in the contact permissions section
Accés al submenú "Participants privades"
Message error trying to join as a Promoter on an Initiative
Error when generating external component: uninitialized constant Decidim::Generators::ComponentGenerator::Bundler (NameError)
Deleted process groups appears in the Groups selector on process list
Merge & Split proposals
Non-member users can participate to a private, transparent assembly
Ordenar dates de les trobades/asambleas
Invitation link to committee members does not work (initiative)
Differences between Metrics and Stats
Error 500 after creating user. Decidim Initiatives
Withdrawn proposals should not be selectable in sortitions
Resend confirmation instructions - Hard to understand error message
The reason field has been lost for impersonification
Group endorsements do not work properly
Resultados por página:
Ver todas las propuestas retiradas


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