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This proposal has been implemented

Proposal accepted and included in the proposal of the Statutes in Secció Setena. El Consell Assessor (Article. 32).

It is also explicit in the proposal of the Internal Regulation in category 3. Organs and Functions, subcategory Consultative Bodies and organizational chart.

You can make your amendments and comments on these articles in the corresponding participatory text

[EN] Creation of an Advisory Board / [ES] Creación de un Consejo Asesor

Avatar: Xabier Xabier Finished
[EN] In order to have an external supervision of the project and the promotion of its founding principles, it is proposed to create an Advisory Board that meets once a year and evaluates the status of the project and issues a report for the future orientation of the project. In this advisory board should be figures of international recognition such as Manuel Castells, Mitchell Baker, Tim Berners-Lee, etc ... [ES] Con el objetivo de tener una supervisión externa del proyecto y la presercación de sus principios fundacionales se propone crear un consejo asesor que se reune una vez al año y que evalúa el estado del proyecto e emite un informe para la orientación futura del proyecto. En este consejo asesor debeŕian estar figuras de caracter internacional como Manuel Castells, Mitchell Baker, Tim Berners-Lee, etc...


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