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This proposal has been implemented

Proposal accepted and included in the proposal of the Statutes in articles 13 and 20.

It is also included in the proposal of the Internal Regulation in the system of election of some committees, for example in the Coordination Committee and the Committee of Democratic Guarantees, although they should be developed and specified in the final document.

You can make your amendments and comments on these articles in the corresponding participatory text.

[ES] Sistema de elección / [EN] Election system

Avatar: Pau Parals Pau Parals Finished
[ES] La elección total o parcial de representantes en los diferentes espacios organizativos se realizará mediante un sorteo sobre un censo voluntario. Promocionar “un método participativo abierto a toda la ciudadanía" con puntos fuertes como: igualdad de oportunidades, independencia, pluralidad, eficacia y sobretodo coherencia con el proyecto. [EN] Total or partial election of representatives in the different organizational spaces will be carried out through a voluntary census. Promote "a participatory method open to all citizens" with strong key points such as: equal opportunities, independence, plurality, efficiency and above all coherence with the project.


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