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How to contribute to proposal creation.

Avatar: Xabier Xabier

At last, the most creative and participatory phase of the community governance process begins. In order to contribute constructively we explain how this phase is thought and how we can do it collaboratively.

Official proposals. The proposals that appear as "official proposals" have been overturned in this way because they are proposals elaborated in many previous meetings and elaborated and re-elected by the Decidim team and by the community and the Governance axis.

Collaborative draft. Before creating a new proposal review those that already exist and, if you want to build it with other people in the community, we encourage you to generate a "collaborative draft" to which other people can join to write it collaboratively.Categories. It is also important to understand the categories available for the proposals. These categories serve to guide us in the type of content and proposals that the community needs to formally establish or, in other words, show the types of contributions that are needed to establish a community governance system.

  1. Vision, mission and values. The vision refers to how we imagine a future in which Decidim has been successful, how Decidim has changed the world. The mission refers to the way in which Decidim has achieved that change, what is the objective of the community. The values are the principles with which that mission is fulfilled, which are the criteria we follow to reach our goals?
  2. Membership. Under this category are grouped the proposals that have to do with the "membership": Who should be part of the community Decidim? With what criteria? Under what conditions? There is already a great path traveled in the community with this issue, thanks to the consultation on membership, the criteria and verification mechanisms that allow the people who participate in this community to exercise the right to decide in it.
  3. Organizational structure (organs and functions). Under this category are grouped the proposals that define what kind of organizational structure the community should have: what bodies, committees, assemblies, etc. with what functions, limits and capabilities.
  4. Decision making and conflict resolution. The measures and procedures available to the community to make difficult decisions fall into this category: e.g. Who can call a referendum or consultation? On what topics? Who decides who is hired? How can the community stop some decisions?
  5. Economic sustainability. Under this category we group those proposals that deal with the way in which the community should ensure its economic sustainability.
  6. Transparency and accountability. In this category come the proposals on the way in which people, committees or groups that manage resources or aspects of the project have to respond to the rest of the community and ensure transparency in their actions.
  7. Other aspects. If you want to make a contribution that does not fit in the previous categories, this is the place to do it :)

Less is more. We believe that it is better to create few proposals of high quality and broad consensus than to create many fragmented and independent proposals. With this process and these proposals we need to create the minimum bases on which to build the community, the more concrete and minimal they are, the greater the flexibility and the margins for the redesign and future democratic adaptation of the project. The objective is to design a minimum framework and consensus in which to grow and develop as a community, which does not prevent the proposals from being radical and with profound consequences for the future of the project.

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