Last days to receive proposals for governance
More proposals for a more democratic community. You still have time to make proposals for our future system of democratic governance
How long do I have to make proposals?
You can make proposals until the 28th december.
Why is it so important to participate in the process?
We will decide how we will be in the future, which decision and representative bodies we will endow ourselves with in order to remain an autonomous, transparent and democratic organization of the Decidim Project.
Which are the next steps?
SOM January 17: come to the II work session where the first draft documents will be presented: the Statutes of the project Decidim and the organizational chart. This work session is part of the Metadecidim Operational Sessions (SOM) that belong to the SOM Metadecidim Assembly. Registration here.
Next phases: check all the phases planned in the same governance process.
Remember: to participate actively in the community and with all rights, check yourself beforehand as a participant here.
Comment details
¿Sería posible ampliar el plazo de propuestas?
hola @MariaBecedas No es posible, pero piensa que el 15 presentaremos el primer texto propuesta de estatutos y el informe de propuestas organizativas. En ambos se recogerean enmiendas que pueden realizarse en el Meta hasta febrero y en la SOM del día 17 de enero.
Por lo que he comprobado, una vez se agotan los 10 apoyos que tienes puedes seguir 'adhiréndote' a la propuesta, ... así que supongo que de alguna manera se puede seguir 'impulsando' la propuesta