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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

859 proposals

Mòdul Video-Conferència
Include village / city / region heraldic in scopes
Make new proposal button more visible
Opt-in to newsletter when using OmniAuth registration method
Enhance participatory process groups
Possibility to return when you get to statues
Assign valuators when managing a single proposal in the admin
Authorization handlers to restrict users comments
[Security] Visual password strength meter (OWASP ASVS v4.0.3-2.1.8)
Initiatives notifications enhancement
Add a comment's extract in its notification email
Configure dedicated domain for a participatory space
Create types of votations and process of votations
Add announcement in the Assembly space
Reduce the list of assemblies shown to administrators
Change term "Address" => "Location"
Design considerations for people with dyslexia
Templates for surveys
Allow deleting sections from preview view after participatory text import
Apoyar automáticamente la propuesta creada por el usuario
Possibility to configure the participatory space navigation
Sorteo para seleccionar propuestas en un proceso de participación
Tag system for administrators/evaluators
Documentation/howto's on different scope in Processes
Rewrite comments in Rails
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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