Monthly Design call · January
Every last Wednesday, 17-17:30PM CEST, group call in the Element Channel: (copy-paste this otherwise link won't work)
👋 Anybody can join and add agenda items to discuss, reach out in Element or drop a comment here!
Meeting Minutes
Organisation of this community: a proposal for basic roles and a formalized meeting process: The aim of these are to keep the community calls structured independently of the persons present, by always having a facilitator, a secretary (capturing minutes) and a process to rely on. We decided to experiment with these rules as a starting point, proposals of any improvements are welcome in the next meeting!
Information architecture of email notifications: more info here. We (Lucien & Thomas) agreed to work on a proposal to improve these, and are aiming to bring it to the next meeting.
Survey improvements: we (Lars & Lucien) need to clarify a scope in order to organize the UX work to be done.
News on a potential collaboration process with the product team: (Lucien) shared a recap of a call with Jupa & Carol: Jupa's priority is to update the Figma Design System following the principles established in's design system. Establishing a collaboration process is not the priority before this is done.