Changes at "Decidim Association Assembly"
Title (English)
- +Decidim Association Assembly
Title (Català)
Title (Castellano)
Description (English)
All members are convened to the General Assembly of the Association.
- Update on the activity of the Coordination Committee
- Update on the different committees and working groups
- Approval of change of registered office
- Approval of conditions for the convening of community meetings by the participants.
- Upcoming process: Coordination Committee renewal
- Open floor for comments
Description (Català)
Description (Castellano)
Start time
- +2022-11-24 17:00:00 +0100
End time
- +2022-11-24 18:30:00 +0100
Location (English)
Location (Català)
Location (Castellano)
Location hints (English)
Location hints (Català)
Location hints (Castellano)
- +Association