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Decidim Association General Assembly

  • Online
  • 16:00 PM - 17:30 PM CEST

Attendees count


Attending organizations

  • Pokecode, Octree, Open Source Politics
Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting

Pursuant to the provisions of articles 13 to 19 of the association's statutes, all members are hereby summoned to the General Assembly of the Association to be held telematically on 4 April at 16:00h CET.

🗳 Voting will be open on 2 April and will be closed after the General Assembly.

You can consult the documentation in the attached documents section.

Accounts and results 2023
Accounts and results 2023
Download file
Code of Conduct
Updated version of the Code of Conduct
Download file
Budget 2024
Budget 2024
Download file
PPT General Assembly
Presentation made during the General Assembly
Download file


1. Welcome [16:00 - 16:05]

2. Accounts and results 2023 [16:05 - 16:15]

This item is submitted to a vote

3. Budget 2024 [16:15 - 16:25]

This item is submitted to a vote

4. Management of the Coordination Committee - Annual report 2023 [16:25 - 16:35]

This item is submitted to a vote

5. Vote on updating Decidim's Code of Conduct [16:35 - 16:40]

This item is submitted to vote.

It is proposed to update the community code of conduct. Mainly, some corrective measures are added in case of violations of the code of conduct. You can consult the proposed new Code of Conduct, and compare it with the current version.  For the drafting of our code of conduct we have followed the latest version of the Contributors Convenant (

6. Fundraising updates [16:40 - 16:50]

7. Partners updates [16:50 - 16:55]

8. Participatory process to define an internal regulation [16:55 - 17:00]

9. Open floor [17:00 - 17:15]

Meeting Minutes


Nil, Maite, Pau Parals, Pauline Bessoles, Roxu, Ruth Cheesley, Andrés Pereira de Lucena, Carol Romero, Dani Patu, Lucien Langton, Maite López-Sánchez, Simon OSP, Xabier Barandiaran, Ivan, Antonio, Bru Aguiló. (16)

1. Results of the votation

  1. Do you approve the 2023 accounts and results?
    In favor 12
    Against 0
    Abstention 1

  2. Do you approve of the management of the Coordination Committee during 2023?
    In favor 12
    Against 0
    Abstention 1

  3. Do you approve the budget for 2024?
    In favor 12
    Against 0
    Abstention 1

  4. Do you approve of the updated code of conduct?
    In favor 13
    Against 0
    Abstention 0

2. Annual accounts and results 2023

Association total income:

  • 65% comes from public grants (Ajuntament and Generalitat)

  • 18% Partners

  • Services (Vocdoni)

Association total expenses:

  • 50% for staff costs (twice as much as 2022)

    • May 2023: new profile of the junior developer

  • 23% : external services

    • Fundraising 

      • La sobremesa helping develop the sustainability plan

      • Freelance profile to help us raise funds

    • UX Expert

    • Decidim Fest

  • Corporate income tax for benefits

3. Budget 2024


Conservative forecast, the incomes should be lower than 2023. The good point, is that it is more diversified in terms of:

  • Partners donations higher

  • Public grants (lower)

  • Services higher (People powered and BSC)

Higher expenses than 2023:

  • 78% related to staff expenses.

  • 6% to external services.

Objectives 2024

  1. Diversifying income sources, seeking better balance in distribution of incomes

  2. Increasing operational capacity

  3. Keep some cash flow in case of financial issues


How can a General Coordinator get paid only 11k?

  • The cost in the budget is only the role cost for the last 3 months of 2024 (will be 35 000 a year)

Cost of the demo server: what happens with Metadecidim - The costs of and sites?

  • We are not paying for Metadecidim right now (City council infrastructure), but we need to do it at some point, that's why it's in the budget

4. Management of the Coordination Committee

  • 17 Community Meetings

  • Redesign Decidim (version 0.28.)

  • + 450 Decidim installations 

  • 3 Million users

  • Definition of a Sustainability Plan 

  • Recognitions: Digital Public Good & OSOR Awards

  • Launch of the partnership policy with 7 partners

  • 2 members leaving the coordination committee

5. Code of Conduct

The code of conduct we have since the beginning of the project: 

The proposed change:

Question of having the list of banned people publicly, if someone is banned you don't want them representing the project or whatever. Means people know where to check e.g. if having speakers for meetups, or consulting with people.

6. Fundraising updates

Great hopes in the NLNet Zero common funds (50K euros). This fund will be open from now until 2027, 20 millions euros, with open call every year!

7. Partners updates

Puzzle ITC: They claim they are partners:

Just a thought on partners: Couldn't we use the Logic Ruth was suggesting for decidim providers who are not partners to make a list public of companies explicitely not supporting the project but benefiting from it?

Mautic example:

We only list partners and sponsors and that's who we point people to when they ask for help, and their pages show their activity in the community

8. Participatory process for internal regulation

Internal regulation is needed because:

  • Lack of regulation on how to decide on political issues

  • Making our own governance more actionable

  • Some entities mentioned in the statutes have never been created

  • Clarify the role of existing entities

9. Open floor for comments

Make partners more visible in

Cultural thing: everyone using the software has to pay back



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