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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

853 proposals

Survey answer type: Image comparison

Optimize Speed Index

Main repo (merged)

Inserció d'imatges barrejades amb text

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Allow multi-choice questions in consultations

Allow multi-choice questions in consultations

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: [EN] Selective newsletter / [ES] Newsletter selectiva

[EN] Selective newsletter / [ES] Newsletter selectiva

Main repo (merged)

Possibility for administrator to link images to content pages

Change attachment photo image alt texts to the title

Feedback form for more actions (PB vote, proposal...)

Media picture: Create a list of banned words for automatical reporting

Create a list of banned words for automatical reporting

Media picture: Add a config flag to disable the registration code

Add a config flag to disable the registration code

Main repo (merged)

Non anonymous survey answer

Enable "Pages" space as a module for processes

Añadir filtros para navegar en los encuentros presenciales

Use more Quill Rich Text Editor capabilities

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Allow unlimited edit time for proposals (as long as creation is enabled)

Allow unlimited edit time for proposals (as long as creation is enabled)

Main repo (merged)

Módulo “Configurador y generador de páginas de jornadas”

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Registration form improvement with 2 steps + 1 onboarding screen

Registration form improvement with 2 steps + 1 onboarding screen

Main repo (accepted)

Attachments to accountability results

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Add a "From Label" to SMTP settings

Add a "From Label" to SMTP settings

Main repo (merged)

We should always display "The process" tab

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Survey logic feature for Decidim Survey

Survey logic feature for Decidim Survey

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Resend all private users invitations at once

Resend all private users invitations at once

Module: Trusted ids

Main repo (merged)

Participatory budget and metrics

GDPR / Data portability - User authorizations metadata

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