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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

828 proposals

Allow one to many relations for scopes

Clarify the texts for download & delete data in "My account"

Not answered

Number of participants in each process and phase

Not answered

Hide the authorization handler used for impersonation from /authorizations

Proposals - Internal tags for administrative purposes

Media picture: ActivityPub support

ActivityPub support

Ocultar menú iniciatives quan no s'ha començat a utilitzar

Not answered

Calendari amb esdeveniments de participació

Not answered

Include endorsements for blog posts

Not answered

Canviar l'icona de les Enquestes per que no es confongui amb la d'informació

Not answered

Create new "Department Admin" role

Not answered
Media picture: Add formating to term of use content on signup page

Add formating to term of use content on signup page

Not answered
Media picture: Pages - Possibility to link to external URLs

Pages - Possibility to link to external URLs

Multilingual URLs for language versions

Not answered
Media picture: Ability to hide and show questions when editing questionnaire

Ability to hide and show questions when editing questionnaire

Not answered
Media picture: [EN]  Chronologically order participatory processes and assemblies / [ES] Ordenar cronológicament los procesos participativos, asambleas y cons

[EN] Chronologically order participatory processes and assemblies / [ES] Ordenar cronológicament los procesos participativos, asambleas y cons

Not answered

Add time zone configuration for meeting component or platform globally

Not answered

Duplicar una enquesta

Not answered
Media picture: Alphabetize sub-scopes in filters

Alphabetize sub-scopes in filters

Enhance accessibility for disabled users

Not answered

Comply with EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Not answered

Budgets - Voting results

Not answered

Allow testing surveys prior publication

Not answered

Afegir imatges al cos de les pàgines

Not answered

Incloure usuaris gestionats al Recompte total

Media picture: Ability for users to withdraw their meetings

Ability for users to withdraw their meetings

Not answered

Possibility to configure the sign in flow to send user to external service directly

Use neutral terminology

Not answered

Allow admins to "internally" categorize proposals into different scopes

User flow / guidance tool

Not answered

Announcements on Assemblies home page

Not answered

Enviar email administrador en rebre una sol·licitud de creació de grup

Not answered

Follow button in the Proposal

Add comments export to meetings

Not answered

Customizable survey success message

Media picture: Improve Diff visualization for amendments

Improve Diff visualization for amendments

Not answered

Add comments to open data files

Not answered
Media picture: Possibility to hide static content on the home page

Possibility to hide static content on the home page

Not answered
Media picture: Add statistics block to show proposal repartition in categories and areas

Add statistics block to show proposal repartition in categories and areas

CSV census for verifications

Not answered

Add an admin parameter for length of private messages

AI-generated summaries of long comment chains

Media picture: Resend all private users invitations at once

Resend all private users invitations at once

Media picture: Use an image from the page as meta image for link previews (meta image)

Use an image from the page as meta image for link previews (meta image)

Media picture: Add QR code generation as a sharing option

Add QR code generation as a sharing option

Not answered
Media picture: Add a report button on the last activities page

Add a report button on the last activities page

Not answered

Improving open data feature on Decidim

Display all processes on home page stats not only active

Send proof of response of a survey to participants

Include Advice/ announcement option/ field on Assemblees information page

Not answered
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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