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Analytics and statistics


403 proposals

Wrong naming consultations
Multiple notifications of the same "event"
Not able to follow another user
Delete @ on contextual help for Nickname when Signing Up
Default org colors still show up for a milisecond at loading
Error when relating child and parent Assemblies
I can see comments and endorsements icons when they are disabled
Continuity badge counter does not reset
I wasn't able to sign up via facebook/google.
Error message when I cannot withdraw my proposal is not explicite enough
After the user accepts the TOS, they are redirected back to the TOS page
Private assemblies are shown when becoming childs from another assembly.
Error 500 after creating a sub assemblee which disappears from the assemblles list
Conversations not generating notifications
PDF creation within Initiative not translatable
Error en la visualitzaciĂł dels comentaris a l'Ultima Activitat (HOME)
No resta el comentari amagat per moderaciĂł en el recompte de comentaris
Es mostra malament la informaciĂł d'un resultat al mĂČdul seguiment
Multiple authorship is lost when collaborative draft is published
Links in Proposal's body disappear
Newsletter Preview
Documents and collections should move up to the top of webhooks and related content in process page
No puc accedir a les trobades del procés de benvinguda
Endorsement doesn't generate notifications to followers
Upcoming events in the home page
Iniciativa registrada y con 4 apoyos no aparece en el menĂș iniciativas
Administration of User Officialitation
Current tenant shows verifiers that aren't enabled on multi tenant system
Error message trying to acces to users verification
Assemblies with child assemblies card design
Impossible to access/edit/delete a page created in
Al clicar sobre un adjunt no s'obre en una nova pestanya
Notifications does not work on Metadecidim
Missing some translations for Euskera and Galician in 0.14.1
Pixelated photo when a process is displayed on the homepage
RecuperaciĂł de contrasenya no dona avĂ­s d'error
Linking proposals to results for accountability
Wrong URL leads to czech pages on
Attachments are lost when publishing a collaborative draft proposal
Don't know what %{limit} is referring to on the message shown at image attached
The process stats counters don't count well all the parameters
Error related to special characters to user names
L'input tipus date_field no funciona correctament quan s'entra la data manualment.
The "sub-assemblies" button isn't available to the admin after 1 generation of assemblies
Error 422 for password too short when they invite you
Participatory text with wrong format should return an error on upload
Error when creating new scope for initiative type
Autorizaciones / El PadrĂłn
No es poden afegir més d'un adjunt a les propostes des del panell d'administració
Con coincideixen xifres de participants
Assembly "Admin has added you" notification includes unresolvable URL
Les dates d'inici i fi del procĂ©s apareixen de manera automĂ tica amb errada ortogrĂ fica: en catalĂ  els mesos van en minĂșscula i cal apostrofar.
CreaciĂł automĂ tica de perfil en convidar usuari via CSV
Cannot access notifications on 0.10.x
Admin partner logo missing triggers server error
Broken metrics task: comment
Merge & Split proposals
As an admin, I should be able to preview an unpublished component
Invitation link to committee members does not work (initiative)
User group can endorse several times a same proposal
Error merging proposals that come from a meeting
Error when entering a Conference event
Missing some translations when someone I follow its officialitzation is updated
Not possible to upgrade 0.17 without conferences
Format de l'informe de tancament de trobada
Participatory texts - workflow document upload
Direkt link to create new debate gives error for not logged in user
Visualizaciones en seguimiento PAM inactivas
Filter selector not working on Mobile (with Firefox)
Editar proposta no deixa canviar l'arxiu adjunt a la proposta
Statistics automatically displayed when creating a new participatory process
Apareix el nombre de vots amagats
Feedback needed after Endorsing
Usuaris d'assemblees no tenen accés a tot el contingut
Next meeting in Assemblies homepage is not correct
Consultation icon does not display correctly on Notifications
Strange behaviour when click on icon next to endorse button
Cal imatge de banner contingut resaltat sempre
ActualizaciĂłn estado campana de notificaciones
Participatory texts - error uploading UTF-8 files
Error searching by scope in the search engine
Progress meter ne devrait pas dépasser 100%
Error message finalizing proposal amendments with participatory texts
Proposal component crashes only in English for Roadmap process at meta.decidim
Create debates as a normal user in a private assembly
Removed propositions still visible in the "recent activity" section on the front page
Amendments can't be blocked
Process filters not functional in IE11
Wrong translations on email when someone gives support to a proposal
Error 500 after creating user. Decidim Initiatives
El cos de la proposta no es renderitza correctmaent
AccĂ©s al submenĂș "Participants privades"
When adding members to an Assembly they don't show up publicly
Prevent proposals from re-sorting on multi-paged lists
Counter intuitive verification Lock icons
Notification and/or mail missing when registering for a Meeting
In the activity, the proposals of the groups of participants show the participant who created it
In the minutes of the session, a blank box appears if there is only audio or video
Withdrawn proposals are showed in the proposal index
Error al crear proposta col·laborativa
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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